Ranking the seasons

Season 1 - 9/10 (Original, meaningful, honest)
Season 2 - 6/10 (Over the top, tries too hard to out-do the original, a little wild)
Season 3 so far - 4/10 (Boring, uninteresting, lack of emotional investment)


Season 1 - 7.5/10 (Novelty. It was okay but a bit boring sometimes. Only liked MM's character). On 2nd viewing, not as good, goes down to a 7/10.
Season 2 - 9 /10 (Best season without a doubt. Loved all the main characters. Loved the relationship between Colin Farrell and Vince Vaughn. Found it more interesting because we followed different viewpoints. Great location shots and cinematography. Also really enjoyed the soundtrack and scenes with the druggy bar singer. Many who didn't like it first time around, on a second viewing changed their minds and thought it was great. Mine went up to 9.5/10
Season 3 - so far, 7/10. (Reminds me too much of Season 1. Would have preferred totally different location, say, in Alaska or the border with Mexico. Still, really like Stephen Dorff and Scoot Nairy. Marshala Alí great acting, but the character isn't as interesting.

When I compare to the shows I liked the most last year, Babylon Berlin and The Terror, Season 3 is quite bland and unoriginal so far, imo. So is Season 1.


S1 - 7.5/10 Pretty but an off-the-rack story with a not-so-twisty-twist.
S2 - 4/10 Bad
S3 - unless they really pull a rabbit out the hat this Sunday, much like S1


Can’t believe the first two posters think season 2 was better than 3. I guess everyone has an opinion and I guess 3 isn’t done yet ...


1. Season 3(9/10)
2. Season 1(8/10)
3. Season 2(7/10)


Season 1 - 9.6/10 damn near flawless. Will never be topped again.
Season 2 - 6.1/10 convoluted uninteresting plot with scattered moments of brilliance.
Season 3 - 6.8/10 VERY slow but interesting enough to keep watching and not feel like a waste of time.

I feel like the creator/writer hit lightning in a bottle with season 1 and will never make something as good as that again.


Season 1 - 8.5/10: It had a very intriguing story line. The chemistry between the 2 leads was really what made the season, as well as MM's amazing acting. The ending did leave something to be desired, but I didn't think it was as bad as everyone else was saying.

Season 3 - 8/10: Pretty much the same as season 1. Although, I did think the ending was better. I just wish it wouldn't have been so similar to season 1.

Season 2 - 7/10: I remember being very interested in the story. So much so, that I created my own little map of the characters and their back stories. It was like trying to solve a puzzle. With that said, the dialogue was pretty bad. And the ending of pissed me off. It was far worse than season 1's, that's for sure.


Vince Vaughn and Colin Farrell.
Ha ha ha ha ha


S3 - 8.5
S1 - 8
S2 - 4
