Nick Jonas?

I wouldn’t say I was very interested in this movie, but now I’m even less interested.


Hahaa you know he actually does a decent acting job, and his character is pretty humble.


I thought so too,he wasn't bad at all. His part is pretty small,so a good tryout for him.


He's always played characters that are pretty humble and is a pretty humble guy.


Oh really? I didn't even know he acted before. good for him!


He has. He had his own gimmick in Disney Channel's own "J.O.N.A.S." show and not so long ago was in the TV series "Kingdom" (where he played a boxer).


Before I saw this movie, I couldn't have picked Nick Jonas out of a lineup. Heard the name, but had no idea who he was. Still wouldn't have known if I hadn't come here and saw his name mentioned.
He seemed to do a fairly decent job in the role. And then he turned into Colin Hanks at the end.


I was the same way. One of my daughters wanted to see it because he was in it and I just knew him by name. After the movie she was talking about things he said and did. I said “Oh so that was Nick Jonas.” But yes he did well.
