Boring and pretentious

I checked out after 2 episodes. I'm sorry, I tried.
Does it get any better or does it stay the same? The scene on the rooftop in the first episode really made my eyes roll. Very bad acting and all in all just very dull. The action scenes are cool, but the voice over just makes everything sound so artsy-fartsy and pretentious. Everything is also intentionally very vague. I don't understand how this gets such high reviews. Someone care to explain what they liked about it ?


SO pretentious. Especially with the female characters.

I think everybody can agree the setting is what they liked best. Which is to say we all love Bladerunner.


I gotta agree. I've made it through 4 episodes and it's just bad. The grandmother episode was especially atrocious.


Wish I could share the same sentiment but I am really enjoying this series for some reason. You'll understand why some are pretentious as you continue watching. Elites usually are pretentious to begin with since they own everything. This series reminds me of Blade Runner, Ghost in The Shell, Deus Ex, and the likes.


This show is far from boring. If you keep watching more episodes you will really get into the story. The first episodes weren't the greatest but it really picks up after episode 4. There is a definitely too many storylines going at once but that helps to make it continuously entertaining with a lot of plot twists.


Two posts in his whole career. Not. Netflix shill, or anything.


Eh . . cyberpunk noir is pretty much all like that. Bladerunner, Akira, Ghost in the Shell. Either you're into that stuff or not.


I enjoyed the series a lot. dunno why some ppl hate it. 8.1 is also a pretty good rating.


The books were good and moved along nicely.

This show is another one of those SLOW shows where the writers don't know what to do so they drag it out. I also hate the actor who is insanely boring in everything.

I don't know how these people get jobs.
