Elvis & Brando?

Hardy appears to be acting as Brando. Butler as Elvis (obviously) and James Dean. So this looks like if you ever wanted to see those guys in a Wild One, Rebel Without Cause type movie (the type of movies Elvis wanted to be doing when he started out in Hollywood) with all the iconography of the Americana of the era (probably a heavy dose of Easy Rider too)

The director did that 80s Spielberg homage Midnight Special so this probably be like that for the stuff I mentioned



This looks pretty great, but I'm not a fan of the way Hardy speaks on the trailer.


Tom Hardy doing his usual shtick of staring into space and not even looking at other actors when delivering his lines in another weird accent no one on the planet sounds like.

I’m sure his fanboys will lap it up as a “masterclass” in acting though




Tom Hardy is channeling Brando just as he channeled Tom Berenger in The Revenant.

The Wild One is a great film (one of the best endings ever), and if Hardy can capture the essence of Brando, even though I dislike copycats, then that can't be a bad thing.


Hardy watches the Wild One in the film.


It will probably be a homage to that whole genre.
