MovieChat Forums > Black Mirror (2011) Discussion > Rank the season 4 episodes

Rank the season 4 episodes

1.Black Museum - most interesting with the mini stories, its also the precursor of the tech used in San Junipero
2.USS Callister - funny and campy , would be cool to see a spin off series about their adventures
3.Hang the DJ - feels like San Junipero but kinda fell short, nice twist at the end though
4.Metalhead - pretty good thriller
5.Crocodile - nice detective-ish story and the darkest one
6.Arkangel - its ok I guess


1. USS Callister
2. Black Museum
3. Arkangel
4. Crocodile
5. Hang The DJ
6. Metalhead


I've only seen four, so here are my ratings:

1. Hang the DJ - For a change a happy ending.
2. Crocodile - cold, sinister, but very interesting.
3. Arkangel - a warning for us all.
4. USS Callister - okay, but not great



1. USS Callister. Great episode. I didnā€™t feel like the bad guy deserved to die though.

2. Hang the DJ. Nice rare uplifting story even though it feels like recycled material with the whole ā€œdigital copies have a awful timeā€ idea throughout the series.

3. Black Museum. Interesting sub stories and a satisfying ending.

4. Metalhead. I wanted more backstory. It was gripping and well shot enough for me to not hate it.

5. Arkangel. Totally predictable. Who woulda thought that mega over protective parenting would destroy your relationship with your child? Weak.

6. Crocodile. AWFUL. Main character makes a series of terrible and unbelievable decisions. Iā€™m not convinced AT ALL that this chick is just going around killing people. One of the worst episodes of the entire series. TERRIBLE.


Ep01: Space Fleet. 9/10
The best episode of the series since Season 1. And I haven't seen one Star Trek episode. It was fantastic, really clever and full of fun moments and funny characters.

Ep02: Arkangel. 4/10
Boring and nothing new here. This premise was done thousand times in Twilight Zone, Outer Limits and even on The X-Files. It was also way too long for such a stupid plotline. (felt the same in many episodes from Season 3)

Ep03: Crocodile. 4/10
Same as Arkangel, it would've been way better if it was a short episode. (30 minutes tops) Don't know what's with these directors/writers/producers, if you can't pull off a good script for a 50 min episode, you have to shorten it.

Ep 04: Hang The DJ. 6/10
Good episode, but again, extremely long. The premise was interesting but I could see the ending after the first 10 minutes. This happens because of the lack of interesting characters and situations. Again, would've been a masterpiece if it was a 25 minutes episode (ala Twilight Zone), just tell a minimalist and sweet romance around the "system gimmick" and you're set for greatness. But no, we've got some drawn out and repetitive plot. Still, a good episode.

Ep05: Metalhead. 3/10
Interesting noir style story, BUT, it was by far the worst episode of the series, this was a short 5 min film stretched for over 40 minutes. And the robot was not menacing at all. B O R I N G.

Ep06: Black Museum. 9/10
I was a bored by this point. After Space Fleet, only Hang The DJ kept my attention, but this one? This one is a classic. Black Museum is pure genius and 100% good old story telling, this is the way to go for Black Mirror. This is what I was waiting for since the last couple seasons of The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits back in 2002.
Three stories interlaced into one, and one big climax in the end, full of references from previous seasons and from other shows.

Just for Space Fleet and Black Museum, this season deserves a watch. And because of those two ep


The Space Fleet episode is actually called "USS Callister". :)


Arkangel... was the best this season, as it was the most resonant, moving and is also close to being s reality, not in a literal sense, but in the sense of parental surveilance and over-sheltering of the young..

Crocodile... was good as a TV crime thriller, but was elevated to a large extent by Anrea Riseborough's nuanced performance... Great to see an independent woman character, that is complex, loyal, but flawed and makes bad moral decisions. Very rare...

Hang the DJ... was cute, although falls short of San Junipero, which had more complexity... It also shows the weakness that the writers have for sex/relationship apps... They have a soft spot and think uncritically about it... Saved partly by the hotness of the girl...

USS Callister... was decent and mostly fun satire of obsessive StarWarsTrekGalactica nerd/geek culture and of hiding behind technology instead of growing backbone or developing social skills... Pokes fun mostly, but also has some interesting perspective on impotent rage, as well as the importance of empathy for the socially awkward... I use the word satire loosely only because nerd culture is the dominant culture now, otherwise it wouldn't really be satire in my point of view...

Black Museum was below average for the show as it started to become too self referencial with nerdy nods to the other episodes and it relied far too much on exposition... Was probably the most "TV" of all of the series in terms of aesthetics and feel...

Metalhead... Just sucks... Looks like an attempt at a student film...

Overall, the weakest season so far, but with one good episode and two or three decent ones and only one real stinker... So not bad overall...


I really LOVE this series. Here goes:

1. Metalhead
2. Hang the DJ
3. Crocodile
4. Arkangel
5. USS Callister

