Oil rigs and rape . . .

I once heard they don't like to send 18 y.o. boys out on GoM oil rigs because the probability of male-on-male rape is around 90%.


Don't be so stupid


I don't know any stats (where'd you find them?) and I don't know that 18 is the magic age-but given an 18 year olds naivety, it could be a real possibility. Because they aren't on a submerged submarine or jail, for instance, for months on out... it's probably not as prevalent as most other places of concern.

I really would like to know if this is an issue and how bad it is.


Here are some articles. I'm checking them out now. I'm a victims advocate and these things matter-one time is one too many.






Yes because those all look like unbiased sources. Fracking leads to rape? Give me a break!


No smoke without fire but lets exercise some information literacy here please


Those are about assaults against women, not men.

And I suspect that working on fracking rigs doesn’t somehow convert regular guys into psychotic rapists.

More likely that the types of men who take those jobs are already rapists in the first place.


exactly, it is a shitty job filled with cancer risk, the only way to do it is if you have a serious addiction to drug or hookers you need to support, can't afford hooker? they settle for a rape...


Has to do with the type of the mentality of the desperate men willing to do the job vs taking regular jobs normal guys do.

Or are you saying working on the rigs does turn regular guys into psychotic rapists?


I think they start of psychotic rapists, get the job, become bigger psychotic rapists after. Like the cycle of drug addiction, you do drugs cause your depressed, the drugs wear off and actually make you more depressed, you do more drugs, ect. You either break it or it just gets worst and worse


Only when you're there, I guess.


Some strange liberal fantasy thinking that construction camps and offshore rigs are full of rape... Work camps are mostly family men working shifts away from home and the whole time they are counting down the days until they get back home


Conservatives are the ones obsessed:
rules on sex b4 marriage
hatred of trannies and gays
clear abortion policy
I assume they are against mixed race couples too
always claiming everyone else is a pedo.


I wouldn't say obsessed.
1. No, Rural culture involves premarital sex and partying in the teenage years
2. Yes - perverts do not add value to a community
3. Yes - 99.9% of abortions are caused by poor impulse control, use birth control. 0.00001% are due to rape.
4. Obviously, dysgenic practices are not ideal with livestock or pets. Humans are no different.
5. Over representation in positions of power, Yes


In regard to point #1, you're certainly right that premarital sex is found in rural areas, just like anywhere else, but the Christian element at least discourages it. Your comment and mine speaks to the divide between religious conservative and those who are not religious.


I'm not disputing the opinions on each point.
My point is that conservatives are the ones always yelling about a variety of sex based issues
therefore they are the ones more likely to "fantasy thinking that construction camps and offshore rigs are full of rape"


> rules on sex b4 marriage

Yes, it's called modesty, self respect and self value.
We know leftists struggle with these concepts and thus make fun of it while they collect STDs like Pokemon when they "have fun" clubbing in their 20s and later wonder "where the good men/women" are. xD

> hatred of trannies
We do not hate the individuals, on the contrary, we have a lot of compassion for them
We do however despise the rotten ideology that made them miserable and don't want this nonsense to spread further.
As for gays, no true conservative hates gays, only homophobes hate gays.

> clear abortion policy
We are and always will be against the murder of innocent people.
That you guys have an issue with that, says more about you than us.

> I assume they are against mixed race couples too
Nope, we're not. Why would we?
Conservatives believe people should be judged based on the contents of their character, not the color of their skin.
The only people keeping racism alive are leftists by constantly making everything about race even if it shouldn't be.
It's all you guys have. Without your racism phantom, your whole ideology falls apart.

> always claiming everyone else is a pedo.
No, usually just people where it's rather obvious.
Your beloved Joe Biden, for example.
If making inappropriate sexual remarks towards minors, sniffing their hair and touching them in suspicious ways isn't enough to warrant that, I don't know what is.
Also interesting the protection of children has less priority for you over the protection of potential perpetrators.

Pot, kettle... and all that.
