Just terrible

Really starting to think that Ryan Murphy got lucky with the first 2 seasons, and even they had their flaws. It's been on the decline since and now this? The cult idea is interesting but the political spin is just idiotic. It seems like every year the theme sounds promising, and then it just turns to utter crap. They could have done so much more with the themes and instead they were so underwhelming. I think the show just needs to be axed at this point.


I loved the first 3 seasons but couldn't even finish the others.....i agree let's put this show out of its misery now. As soon as I saw the political angle in the previews this season I was done.


I don't know, I for one loved Roanoke, but from this board it looks like I am the only one. Freaks I tried watching and couldn't, lost interest after 2-3 episodes. Hotel I didn't watch at all.


I think you're missing out not watching Hotel. I thought it was the best season after Asylum.


The commercials were actually too disturbing for me - I thought it would be all torture porn and stuff.

Is it safe to watch?


I actually thought that Hotel started out pretty good. I loved the first episode, but Gaga was terrible and then it just became an utter, predictable mess.


I'm the opposite - i thought it was pretty crappy to begin with but got really decent towards the end. I didn't expect to enjoy Hotel as much as i did.


I have actually liked all the seasons so far. Roanoke would have been better without the finale, if they ended it the week before, that would have been better.
I have only watched episode one so far, but really liked it!


I totally loved the finale! I mean, if you let a couple of illogical moments slide, I thought it was a great way to end the story.


I just have to but in to say you HAVE to watch Hotel give it a chance... I also avoided it and glad I decided to watch it. I thought Gaga was annoying and little over the top, but I am not a fan of her in general, felt like acting this character for her was just about image and style and coming up with outfits, and sets and visuals more than anything else, but season has some really strong points, looks good, and Even Peters character is one of the most epic in the whole show, acted to perfection, gained a whole new admiration for him as an actor there... Story of the hotel is also cool.. really not a season to miss...


I really wish they would not have gotten politics involved. Nothing good ever comes from it. You're always going to have somebody on the opposite side of the fence who doesn't like the way their party is being portrayed.

Then again, I guess that's kinda the point of the season premier.

If it isn't renewed, then I'll be fine with FX's decision. I miss Jessica Lange anyhow.


I think what people don't realise is that they are showing extremism on both sides. They show a racist, homophobic man who is controlling of his sister and uses fear in an attempt to make people support Trump. Then they have a crazy, angry woman with multiple phobias that assumes everyone has the same opinion has her and that everyone is out to get her after Trumps win. They also have the guys sister who is clearly very uneducated on both parties.

They also show that people can be decent no matter who they support; the wife, who is very calm about it all and doesn't make a big fuss. The shop assistant, who obviously wanted people to know he supported Trump but he didn't bother anyone and just left the woman to do her shopping. The therapist, who didn't make it clear who he voted for or if he voted at all but he claimed he deleted all social media to keep away from it to prevent it from affecting his life.

Obviously i'm only basing this off the first episode but i really don't think the season seems bias in any way. In just one episode they have shown different people and different reactions - i think that seems fair.

I think the people who assume this season was just made to bash trump aren't really paying attention. I personally do think it's silly and risky to bring politics into it but if they are bashing anyone, they are bashing extreme supporters / non-supporters.


It's funny how every subsequent season has viewers who are hyper-critical of the series in general. I like all seasons, but find flaws in all of them, but that doesn't detract from me swearing it off.


I agree. Every season has its flaws, I begin to wonder why the people who claim they haven't liked it since the earlier seasons even watch it at all anymore.
Obviously some seasons are better than others but i don't think it deserves to be axed at all. Still a great show.


That doesn't detract from you swearing it off? That phrase doesn't make any sense, especially in the overall context of your post.


Freak Show and Murder House were the best. Asylum is overrated. Hotel was horrible. Couldn't get into Roanoke. Coven was OK. This wasn't bad so far, but I think the ideas are drying up.


I watched 2 episodes of Cult and absolutely hate it. I just cancelled future recordings. I cannot stand to watch a terrorizing show for a full hour. I love the actors..Stellar job. But the clowns, and the child and the babysitter from hell is just not for me.
I liked Freaks. That was a good season. Hotel was blah. This one is the worst of all.


I really like AHS. I like that each season is a mini series and you can watch them in any order.

What's great about also is that everyone can have their own favourite season.

Murder House remains my favourite. I also like Coven a lot. For me I think my least favourite was Freak Show. I actually quite liked Roanoke where as I know a lot of people didn't. I actually would have preferred that season to have ended an episode earlier.

As for the new season I'm really liking Cult. I think a lot of people are getting fixed on the fact that the storyline is using political issues. Maybe they will come into play a little more in the season and have greater meaning but for me this season is more about fear and also how people react to each other and their differences. It's also showing the negative aspects of all the characters not just 'bashing one type of person.
