Worth watching?

Liam is getting up there in years so him doing these action movies can be hit or miss. Is this one worth a watch?


Looks like it isn't.


I went and saw it today and enjoyed it quite a bit.

I'd actually say it's one of Neeson's better action thrillers. While it doesn't seem to have had the budget of, for instance, A Walk Among the Tombstones or Unknown, I thought it was more fun. It actually struck me as kind of a throwback to action movies of the 90s, especially with its near-total lack of CGI.

My only real complaint is that the ending doesn't feel especially climactic and the movie felt like it needed a bigger finale. But other than that, I thought it pretty good. Solid 7/10.

The critics are shitting on it of course, but the audience score on RT is pretty high:



I saw it a couple weeks ago. It's far from his worst action flick, but it's super forgettable. Decent action, but really poor and predictable writing. If you have something like AMC-A list than I would see it, otherwise just wait to rent it. I gave it a 5/10.


Not particularly.


It's worth a watch just don't expect a cinematic or action masterpiece. If you are bored and enjoy Neeson I'd say give it a go.


Yes it is, if you watch movies to enjoy them, rather than pick them apart. 7/10


No, it feels like a pilot for a tv series.


It's entertaining enough if you've got some time to kill, but I will have forgotten everything about it in a year's time.
