Phase 4-Predictions?

So Disney Just Announced 6 release date for MCU films through 2021...

We obviously got Avengers IW 1+2 and Captain Marvel coming up, but then these 6 untitled MCU films which will be Phase 4....

and to be me, all 6 are no brainers....

IMO clearly all 6 Will be-
Guardians Of The Galaxy 3
Doctor Strange 2
Black Panther 2
Spider-Man HC 2
Ant-Man 3
Avengers 5

the big surprise here is, based on the 6 release dates Disney released, We can now pretty much guarantee no X-Men or Fantastic Four reboots/films will be joining the MCU until after 2021

what say you, you see any different choices for the possible 6 upcoming MCU films...I guess, Maybe Ant-Man 3 could change if Ant-Man and The Wasp happen to flop or disappoint, but I see no chance of that happening, I see Ant-Man and The Wasp making between 625 to 750 M...

to the admins, dont delete this....this is movie related, Black Panther 2 is mentioned in this topic which makes this movie related


I am hoping for a dance off between Thor and Peter in IW.


I am hoping for a dance off between Thor and Peter in IW.


I somewhat get why DC fans bring the "Dance off" up...while It does fit in the context of the movie, Its still pretty silly...

what I dont get is why DC fans still bring it up after March 25th 2016....

because lets face it, while The "Dance off" may have been silly and at Least A Card to play for DC fans....that ended on March 25th exactly 1 hour and 45 mins into BvS when WB/DC not only TOPPED "dance off" but TOPPED it with the single biggest creative failure in Comic Book Movie history in "Martha"

lol Hero Stops a Villain by a "Dance off"........Silly yes

Superman Stops Batman in what was supposed to be the single most Iconic Fight in CBM history by saying "Martha".....absolutely Infuriating boarding on CRIMINAL....

so hilariously DC fans actually did have a card to play for 2 years, from 2014 to 2016...

unfortunately though WB/DC dealt Marvel Fans the ultimate ACE/Trump card with "Martha"

lol you say "Dance Off"....I say "Martha"....I win....

you feel deep SHAME, still stunned and in disbelief that the first meeting, the first fight between Batman Vs Superman, was concluded by "Martha, wait ours moms have the same name, Lets be friends"....

I(and Marvel Fans) laugh at "Dance off" completely recognizing and admitting it was "Silly".....You(and DC fans) Cry and Feel deep torturous SHAME that the absolute best WB/DC could do in a defining comic book moment was "Martha"

lol GOTG is Universally praised and Loved, Dance off is easily over looked

BvS is Universally hated and "Martha" has been and Will continue to be one of the most MOCKED moments in Cinema history...

So again I say ....You say "Dance Off"(you thought it was clever, you thought it was an insult, it was ...until March 25th 2016) I say "Martha"....I win By FLAWLESS VICTORY


It might not be safe to assume Avengers 5. They could actually wrap up the Avengers movies with 4 and then use some different group as the focus of the next Phase, Fantastic Four for example.


It might not be safe to assume Avengers 5. They could actually wrap up the Avengers movies with 4 and then use some different group as the focus of the next Phase, Fantastic Four for example.


I think Avengers 5 is an absolute guarantee, Only it will be almost The New Avengers....

I except the next 2 Avengers movies to complete set the stage for a completely new roster in Avengers 5...

Hemsworth, Evans, ScarJo, and RDJ's contracts are all up(RDJs has been up for a while though, he keeps signing new ones)

but the point is, The MCU truly is going to drastically change after Avengers 4...

I expect Avengers 5 to be headlined by Spider-man, Black Panther, Doctor Strange, Captain Marvel, Star Lord, and other characters...

Basically for Marvel Studios, It makes no sense really to go forward With an Avengers 5 movie With any of The same, Major that their contracts are bring them back Marvel Studios would be looking at like over 100 Million dollars for 4 characters

RDJ costs like 50 that Hemsworths and Evans 6 picture deals are up, They would demand 10 to 20 Million each to come back, Scarjo already demands 20 M....

yet alternatively they Got Pratt,Holland,Boseman and Cumberpatch locked up for Multiple picture deals for like 2 to 4 mill a picture...

for Me, its acertainty Avengers 5 will happen and it will happen with A complete new Headlining cast....

thats another reason why I'm so excited for Avengers 3 and 4....because it truly is possible 4 Major characters could die...Cap,Thor,Black Widow and Iron Man could Die...and some of smaller characters, War Machine, Vision, Falcon, Hawkeye ...could die....

Never in a Comic book movie before has there been the possibilities for things like this to happen on this scale...

for Me the Only safe characters, are the newest characters like Spiderman,Black Panther,GOTG(well some could die), Doctor Strange, Ant-Man....


I don't know, I just feel like after all the build-up to Avengers 4 it would just be too soon to follow up with Avengers 5. It would just feel anti-climactic. What would it be about? It's too soon to introduce another galaxy-menacing big bad. Also I think it would be too soon for Spiderman to be a full member. Let him at least finish his own trilogy first...

To me it would make more sense to let the team fade into the background a bit. They can still be around doing stuff, they could even play a major role in the movies as in Civil War but there doesn't actually have to be another Avengers movie anytime soon. The Avengers were used as the overall unifying "group" for the early Phases but once that all climaxes with Avengers 4 it might make more sense to have a new unifying group for a change... like the Fantastic Four for instance.

Captain Marvel and the use of Skrulls makes me wonder if the next Marvel uber-plotline will be an ongoing menace of the Skrulls... Captain Marvel fights them off in the 80s but then they return in the present day and threaten the current MCU... It would be a natural way to bring in the FF. Maybe even the FF in the past got put in suspended animation or something by the Skrulls and this explains why they haven't been around... OK I'm reaching here but it's fun to speculate!


I wonder if the next phase sets up a Masters of Evil arc where the bad guys of the previous movies come together in Avengers 5.


Guardians 3, Spider-Man 2, and Black Panther 2 are a given.

Ant Man and Doctor Strange? Maybe... Avengers 5? I'm not sure that will happen that soon.

I'd guess Dr. Strange is more likely, as his first film came out awhile ago, while Ant Man's second film has yet to debut.

I think they will introduce at least one new property in Phase 4. The possibilities are vast, but Ka-Zar and the Savage Land strikes me as a strong frontrunner. The combination of his Tarzan/ Conan qualities, some dinosaurs, and a jungle setting seem like good material for a film. If Guardians of the Galaxy taught us anything, it's that Marvel can create a global hit with the strangest and most obscure characters.

I would not be surprised to see a Black Widow solo film in Phase 4, and, depending on who holds the rights, a Sub-Mariner film at some point, though perhaps not until Phase 5.


No Thor movie planned?

That's a pity, they are dumb fun and I always enjoy them even though it's as guilty pleasures. But they'll probably wrap his story up in A3-5, and leave him as king of Asgard.
