Original or the sequel?

which is better? At least the aerial action scenes are surely better


Sequel is a better film, original is more fun with a better selection of songs and is pure 80’s porn.


I watched the original with my oldest son a few years ago and it was a bit cringeworthy to me. I think the sequel is a better film.

However, the sequel can't be what it is without the original to play from. So, it's a wash for me.


Maverick is the far superior film. Everything was superior: action, characters, storytelling, and drama and emotional beats.


Maverick was a better film.
It was everything the orginal was but done better.


The action sequences are much better in the sequel but I prefer the original for its cast, soundtrack and original plot.


How does that "standing on the shoulders of giants" quote goes? It's applicable here.

"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."

"Top Gun: Maverick" is a better film, but it exists because of the original. We can't ignore that it's standing on "Top Gun"'s "shoulders".


I agree with this.


I think I found the sequel more engaging to my tastes. I was never a huge fan of Top Gun. I don't know why. I was more of a Karate Kid, Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters person. Top Gun never interested me. As a 40 year old watching it in it's entirety on Monday I still didn't get it. It was fun, I enjoyed it but I found Maverick unrelatable. the love story kinda went no where. It wasn't until Goose was killed that the stakes finally made sense. Don't get me wrong, it was a good movie just not something that I was crazy about. Though I understand why others found it amazing.

Watching the sequel, maybe it was the Star Wars style plot but I just found it more entertaining to me. Maverick still being his 23 year old self was interesting. Why was he the way he was? It didn't have to be beaten into our heads; you just knew why. I felt the urgency in the plot. I liked the action. The story between Maverick and Rooster was good. If I were to make only one 'complaint' is that the movie ends well but doesn't tie up Maverick's story 100%. I would have liked a scene where he does move on...either by receiving a new title, maybe taking Ice's job. Something to show that he did move on. It's not absolutely needed but I would have liked to have seen that progression.

But over all, I liked the sequel. the fan service was minimal. The new cast didn't over shadow Maverick. I actually loved how he was the 'fun teacher'. that dog fight/push up scene was probably my favorite scene in the movie.


I re-watched the original one for the first time in decades just before watching the sequel, and I can say that in my humble opinion the new one is FAR better than the first.
