MovieChat Forums > Civil War (2024) Discussion > A Perfect Example Of Why Everyone Hates ...

A Perfect Example Of Why Everyone Hates Enlightened Centrism

Simply pathetic. The movie behaves like a really bad centrist politician where they don't both actually say anything. Just yell out "Press Good Killing Bad" without any elaborate or depth.

I've never seen this level of fencesitting before. I would've respected the writers MORE if they went full blown MAGA/WOKE as that would at least be an opinion.

All of this is made worse by the fact that the writers don't understand the basics of American politics/history so the setting might as well be in a fantasy land.


I interpreted the message of the movie as being: "No matter what side of the political aisle you're on, you don't want this shit. Find another way to work out your differences."

The best way to convey that message in a way that everyone gets it is to something exactly like Garland did, with no clear political motivations for either group.


I disagree. This movie makes me want civil war even more than I did before. The cool Russian dudes who have been paying me to spread their talking points and generally cause discord in the US have promised me my own fiefdom after the collapse. My section of land wont be as large as Tucker Carlson's, MTG's or those people at Codepink, but it will be enough to satisfy my desire for power.


it seems like journalism was the focal point of this piece -
It tried to criticize journalists that profit from war coverage -
Then again, the way it depicted how journalism works during war time was absolute BS - fantasy land and propaganda piece is what this was


Centrists are the least retarded group out there. The left are a bunch of retards and the right are a bunch of retards. If anything, independents are the best people in terms of just being good human beings who aren't sheep to their political party.


There's a difference between not being a slave to a party and not having any political views beyond "Violence Bad."


Both Parties are corrupt cant you why I think RFK/Shannhan 2024 should be only the choice for this years Ballot he's not a Centrist, he's Independent stop voting for the same systems than complaining about it do something about by voting for RFK/Shannhan 2024 to avoid an actual Civil War WAKE UP!!!!!


Didn't you ever learn about these: . ?


RFK is laughably corrupt himself. Also there's different levels of corruption. You need to grow up man.
