Nobody cares anymore

The only reason people went to see the original was because of how hyped up the 3D technology was at the time. When was the last time you heard someone talk about Avatar? This is going to underperform hard at the box office and become a potential flop.


I don't know anybody who does, but I also didn't know anybody who cared about the original back then.


After what Cameron did to his own baby with Terminator: Dark Fate I have no confidence in him anymore. He also won’t release T2 nor The Abyss on blu ray, let alone 4K, and his director-approved 4K disc of T2 is famous amongst home cinema nuts for being atrociously bad.

Worst of all, Avatar was a very bland film, easily his worst, and yet he insists on wasting his remaining years cranking out sequels to it. He’s an eco-nut more interested in preaching his ideology than making good movies, and he’ll be looking to dumb and water everything down so he can sell this in China, India etc.

I’m sure this film will look amazing, but it’s so CGI heavy you’re basically watching Pixar by this point. I’m glad he’s working on a fresh project that isn’t tied to pre-existing material like Marvel, but the characters and story simply aren’t engaging.

Nah, Cameron’s become a dick and I’m not sure I want to waste my time and money on his latest turd.


I admit I agree with the TC. Avatar was meh and almost everyone I personally know thought it was meh. I'm skipping this sequel.


I might see on streaming on time in the future! Other then that I find this film as exciting as a clogged toilet.


Don’t agree with you on much, but yeah this movie will be a turd. First one sucked.


So why did the people who saw the 2D version go? People like you will not allow Avatar to go unnoticed.


I have to agree. In my opinion, the only "wow" element in the original was the effects. Movies deliver great effects (almost) universally these days. Unless it's got some mind-blowing plot and script, I predict a "meh".


I want this movie to fail because I'm a hater. I'm not joking, that's really how I feel
