
Their terrible reality show that was on the air for like 15 years finally ends, and a few weeks later they get ANTOHER one? Are we gonna follow this family around until they're in their old age and all die? Shits ridiculous, their egos wouldn't let their reality show die, they gotta get another one cause they couldn't stand the idea of not being seen for a single second.


As long as there is still money in it, it will continue ...


Has there ever been a single larger cultural catastrophe than them? I'm asking seriously.


Paris Hilton comes close. So does Hip-HopšŸ¤®


If I could film a decomposing shit and charge people to see it, I sure as fuck would.

The problem is the low intelligence of the masses that consume this crap.


I can't wait to see their further adventures. I have a feeling this is gonna be great


Have some dignity please


The Kardashians are talentless, dumb, trashy freaks with no rational basis for existence. The more interesting phenomenon is that millions of people are fascinated by them and will buy magazines and watch television programs about them, year after year. That phenomenon might make an interesting documentary.
