MovieChat Forums > No Hard Feelings (2023) Discussion > Maddie selling the house made no sense!

Maddie selling the house made no sense!

Whole point of the movie was that this was her hometown and she loved that house..... then suddenly she decides to sell it!
and that was right after she earned the money she needed!

Can someone please explain this??

And move to California even!.... The place filled with the type of people she cannot stand, as we witnessed the entire movie!
And what will she do there??

Anyone else baffled by this?


She grew up and matured. She was that girl who never moved on and was "stucK". stuck in the past, stuck in the house, stuck in her old town, stuck not maturing. She never formed real deep relationships or grew.

she left her comfort zones finally and grew up and was ready to move on, figuratively and literally.


But what is wrong with living in that town... living in that house she loved so much.

Why on earth do the filmmakers believe living in California is better than that?
Because it is not.


theres nothing wrong with it in particular. its just more symbolic of her being stuck, living in the past and not growing or changing.

its not about California in particular. its about change..she was even mad outsiders came to her town and changed it. she was completely and utterly stuck. you need to stop taking things so literally and look at films as symbolic and metaphoric.


bullshit....... whole movie plot was about her and the house she loved.
she would literally do everything to keep it.

suddenly, after all the trouble of making the money, she calls up the Indian whom she asked to go to hell, and wants to sell it.

and move to California where she of course will not see all the rich fucks she states she hates. 🙄

Ending was idiotic, and we sat through the movie for nothing.


well you are hopeless


Yes. She will move to similar rich tourist town in California and will find a job of bartending or ubering. Only this time she would have to give 80% of her earned money on renting a place to live.

What she should have done was just renting her house and live on that money. Then come back later in life to same town.


exactly.......and Maddie in LA or SF.... 🤣
yeah, they will just love her sense of humor.


she doesn't need to move or sell the house but it can be her way to start new life.

there is a hint that she still has hope for her father to come back to the house and apologize to her and her mother like what Male lead said after they had s*x because he was mad at her and blurt it out. As we know her father had an affair and moved to the city but after a period of time he didn't wanna get involved with her and her mother again so he gave her that house and money. She tried to reach him with a letter but it got sent back and she still has that letter.

her past problem still holding her back and now that she is aware/waking up she is trying to move on her first step is selling the house from her father who she can't contact.

did she need to sell the house? no, she can try to move to another city and still keep the house but selling the house will have more impact on viewer that she is now moving on and washing away her past


right...... but she could barely afford to eat.
what will she do in california.... drive for uber? then why leave.

and cali...... sure. she will feel right at home there with the people we just saw she hated on throughout the whole movie!


IDK about American ekonomi but from what you said i think she choose wrong state to start new life


exactly..... the movie director/writes made a huge mistake.
a girl like Maddie would never move to California.


Bad writing.

California was chosen simply because Hollywood people think that there are only two towns in USA that are cool and prestige - LA and New York. Everything between them is "fly over". And since she was near New York - there was only one prestige town she could go to - LA that they meant by California. Its not like they would send her to Seattle, Dallas or Chicago for Happy Ever After.

And yes whole time she clinged to that house because it was moms house. Then he shamed her that time after time he will come from his University to visit parents and she will still be in that town (meaning she is loser) so she packed her things, sold house and moved away. Thus undermining whole premise of the movie - saving house.

See - she needed Man to guide her and tell her what to do. Which is hilarious conclusion for a woke Hollywood and performative woke J-Law. They were just not smart enough to see what they did. LOL.

Next thing in her life is that she will blow all money in short time. Then would have to Uber in California and try to earn money to rent a room. Then would have to move to less expensive state. Would sleep around until 40. Then would probably move to her old town and ask her friends to crush on the couch of her old house.


Exactly....... the ending was bullshit.

there was nothing wrong with that town, most folks there were like her.
In Cali she will be surrounded by the people she hate, or rather, people that hate her!
... it makes no sense.


Maddie was lying to herself about why she stayed in the house. Her friend told her it was because she was waiting for her father to appear there and accept her. She burned her letter to him and sold the house to move on from his rejection and her expectation.

California is a much better place for surfers than Montauk.


This movie is based on a true story. Maddie moved to California


Only partly true-- it's based on the book adaptation of a true story. In real life her name was Sadie, and she moved to Montana. Hollywood always takes liberties with the truth!!




I thought her character flaw was her commitment issues, and they didn’t really even address those.

The whole outgrow the town thing is stupid because she doesn’t really have any aspirations that she can’t achieve there. If she had a dream to be an actress, model, singer etc, sure move. But going there on a whim, she probably end up back home within a year.


The point of the movie was that she was afraid to grow up and move on with her life, and selling the house was her way of finally taking that step forward into adulthood. If you recall, she'd wanted to go to California when she was younger, but got cold feet and turned around and came home.

In the process of earning the money to save the house, she realized that it was finally time to move on, so she sold it, at a discount, to her best friends, so they could start their family there.


She really should have rented it and have income every month. Selling for lesser price to her friends was even more stupid. Like it not your job to take care of your friends house problems. Not to mention they would have same problem as her - high property taxes. And they dont have better payed job than her.

There is no happy ending for her there. She would movie to California to some same small city where she would have to pay big rent every month. Spending her money from selling home cheap. Or live in some cheap city in bad neighborhood.

Point is - her house and her town was perfect. She should have rent it and use those money to go on vacation in California and then come back.


Not everyone puts money first. I don't. Maybe you do? Many times in my life I've made a decision that was financially suboptimal that felt like the right thing to do.

As for her friends, they are a married couple, so they have two incomes. And they certainly took out a bank loan, so everything-- home price, tax, and interest-- is factored in to one predictable monthly payment that they'll make to the bank over the next 20 years, give or take. She did the right thing.

As for her move to California, well-- who knows, right? That's an entirely different movie. She might spend some time there, dislike it, and move back home. Or she might love it and stay. Keep in mind that the house she sold was in Montauk, where the median home value is $2.3 million. Perhaps her house was worth even more? Or less? We don't know. Let's pretend she had a house worth $2.5 million and gave her friends 20% off. She got $2 million. The house was paid for, so she now has $2 million in the bank. As a former resident of California, I know you can get a very nice house in or near Los Angeles or San Francisco for $1 million. She won't have to live in a "cheap city" or "bad neighborhood."

The bottom line is that she spent her life in a holding pattern, clinging to the past and afraid to move forward. She's finally taken a big step and left Montauk. Where she ends up, and what she does, is unknown. Like Adam and Eve at the end of Paradise Lost, she is now free to choose where to call home.

The World was all before them, where to choose
Thir place of rest, and Providence thir guide:
They hand in hand with wandring steps and slow,
Through Eden took thir solitarie way.


I truly wonder where her friends got those 2 millions. Dont think they can loan it from bank and repay ever. As they seem to have very low payed job.


I forget what they did for work. Did one of them work with her at the restaurant? Whatever they did, they probably each make about $60k per year. They seem like sensible people, so they have probably been saving money for the past 10 to 15 years. Two people renting, making a combined $120k per year can easily save about $35k per year. With interest accrued over that time they'd have about $630k saved. They may also have inherited money, worked second jobs, etc. In any event, it is not a stretch that they could have enough saved to get a bank loan, and end up with a monthly mortgage of about $5k.


Nah. That was a big plot hole. Those two would not be able to buy that house if it cost 2 millions. Never-ever. One was working at restaurant with J-Law as bartender of waitress I think. They have same same t-shirt in trailer. That's where they know each other, probably. Co-worrkers turned friends.

And remember that J-Law was working two jobs (bartender and uber driver) and could not pay those state taxes for that house. So not only her waitress friend and her low payed husband could not buy that house. They would also had to pay those big taxes that J-Law could not pay with her 2 jobs.


You don't seem to understand how real estate works.

Beyond that, the taxes were accumulated, unpaid taxes plus penalties. Maddie blew her money, and lived hand to mouth. That's why she was in trouble.

The implication was that her friend and her husband were the opposite, and had certainly been living frugally and saving. Bartenders make a lot of money. Did we ever learn what the husband did? The numbers I used above were all bare minimum, worst-case scenario. It would not be a stretch at all for two people saving together for 15 or so years to have the full 2 million sitting in the bank and not even need a loan. Realistically, they'd have had to finance 500k or so, something any bank would gladly do for them.

Example from real life: a friend in San Jose, CA, a very expensive area, worked as a barback (a lower paid bartender assistant). His wife stayed at home and did not work, and took care of their two kids. After about 10 years he saved enough to buy an $800k house in cash, no loan. It can easily be done.


California is not full of rich assholes like the ones she loathes. Most Californians are not anywhere near rich. But with no career skills other than being a mediocre bartender, she won't be able to afford to live on her own in California. She'll need one or more room mates just to get a crappy apartment. This will be even worse if she attempts to live in a coastal southern California town so she can pursue her surfing.
