Einstein Truman

It kinda made Einstein look dumb, Truman look like an asshole and Princeton look bleak.


Einstein was never directly involved in Manhattan Project, and they knew that. Scientists on the project were actually forbidden from consulting with Einstein, because he was deemed a potential security risk at the time.

I have no idea why they made up his presence.


Do you agree they made Truman like an a-hole?


I haven't watched the film so can't say that as yet.


Yeah definitely made Truman look like an a-hole.


Yes. I have never read anything that indicates that was his personality.


Einstein was a real person.




No way!


Since he had the reputation of being one of the smartest people in the world, they're using him as a "voice of God" role in the story.


That reputation is now slightly under question, even if I don't really subscribe to it. It seems like Einstein's wife, Mileva, was a partner in her husband's work. But being a woman, she decided forgo the publicity. I think the reason for this theory is that since she left him, his contribution to physics became negligible.


The entirety of that claim was because Einstein's paper used the last name "Einstein-Marity", which was attributed to Swiss custom.

But judging from the later achievements of the 2, I'd say Einstein was the genius, his wife was not.


Last I read that was not the entirety of the claim. People have studied their letters and things she said to others. A deep dive will probably suggest otherwise.


Stachel also suggests that in two cases where letters from Marić survive that directly respond to those from Einstein in which he had recounted his latest ideas, she gives no response at all. Her letters, in contrast to Einstein's, contain only personal matters, or comments related to her Polytechnic coursework. Stachel writes: "In her case, we have no published papers, no letters with a serious scientific content, either to Einstein nor to anyone else; nor any objective evidence of her supposed creative talents. We do not even have hearsay accounts of conversations she had with anyone else that have a specific, scientific content, let alone claiming to report her ideas."


So there is no real evidence of that.


Einstein referred to his theory as "our ideas". *our* For no reason? Doubtful.


"Our" does not necessarily mean his wife, could mean friends and colleagues. Or it could mean he was being generous, regarding something like cooking or looking after him as contributing to his work.

If you want to prove Marić was a scientist you have to do better than that.

If Marić really was any kind of scientific mind, she would have written at least something scientific.

She and Einstein were married for about 15 years, what happened to the 30 years after they were divorced, such genius must have published or at least written something, but there was nothing even remotely resembling to science.


I'm not proving it, but there's certainly room for doubt. Papers can disappear, be destroyed. People can give up a profession. I don't see any evidence of friends or colleagues that close that they should share credit either.


Papers can disappear, be destroyed.

Not published papers.

I don't see any evidence of friends or colleagues that close that they should share credit either.

Einstein was known bouncing ideas with others, but sharing credit means sharing credit on published papers, saying friends or colleagues contributed ideas is not really sharing credit, at least that is not what sharing credit means in academic world.

I'm not proving it, but there's certainly room for doubt.

There are doubts that we are all living in virtual reality, but nobody takes that very seriously.

If you want to be more credible than that there needs to be evidence.

After all science is about evidence, not I believe because I want to believe.


Whatever we discussed in their living room at night we have no way of know. Unless you were there?

You're kind of writing like a jerk now. What is your problem? You need to keep telling me what my motives are? A gentleman would just make his point and be satisfied.


A gentleman would not have called me names after losing an argument, which you did.

Look at our conversations, who is really a jerk?


I think the reason for this theory is that since she left him, his contribution to physics became negligible.

This is ridiculous, I can say the same thing: since he left her, her contribution to physics is... zero.

It's not even "negligible," it's zero. She never make any contribution to science.
