MovieChat Forums > Fall (2022) Discussion > Missing the most critical scene (spoiler...

Missing the most critical scene (spoilers)

The rescue! Where was it and how did they get her down!?!?!


Ya, I didn't like the ending. They skipped the whole rescue and then she just goes home after that whole ordeal with a nasty bleeding infected cut on her leg, dehydrated and suffering from shock as per why she was hallucinating. I'm pretty sure in the real world, she would have at least had an ambulance ride to the hospital and had a stay for some IV fluids, antibiotics and general observation. Why do movies have such lame endings? It seemed kinda rushed. It should have ended with both the girl and her Dad getting in the ambulance and riding off, not simply walking away heading home.


Yeah I was like "did production get shut down? Where's the 3rd act?"


Don't you know by now that characters in movies always just shrug off any medical aid, rub some dirt on it and they are as good as new unlike us reg. folks?

She could have lost her leg and they still would not have taken her to the hospital.
"No. Really. See? I can hop. I'm fine. I don't need to see a doctor."
"OK. If you say so. We'll let you go home."


there was a sound of a helicopter in the background when her father arrived at the scene -
I assume that's what they used for the rescue


There was a helicopter there. Did you blink?

Signed, million man.


Personally, I wasn't confused by "how" she got down, but I do believe they should have SHOWN it.


I sort of feel the same way. It wasn't "critical," but I do feel like there was a void in the film there.


I agree, but I understood why they didn’t show it.

Because of the way the movie was shot on a shorter pole on a mountain that made it look like it was extremely tall (from what I read), shooting a scene with a helicopter flying near the half point where the satellite dishes were attached, would have been very difficult to shoot with practical effects, as I read that the director wanted to use the least amount of CGI as possible to make the movie look realistic and therefore more terrifying.

The rescue scene would’ve just been distracting as it probably would require a green screen + CGI, making it look different from the rest of the movie where not much of it was used. Plus the budget for this movie was already very limited, and a short scene like that would be very complex and expensive to make, especially when no big names were attached to this project to guarantee successful profit.

Again, I do agree, it would have been interesting to see them throw a harness at her from a helicopter and then see the satellites snap and fall as soon as she straps in, but I’m pretty sure it was all about the budget.


It's a good point.

They showed helicopters, so I guess we assume they were used but I'm not sure exactly how they'd get to her?


There was no rescue. She died and that last scene was her brain making her feel better as she died.
She had already hallucinated her dead friend being alive


Good point


The answer is $$$

It wouldn't have added much to the movie unless they wanted to fit in one last tense moment, but at that point it would feel contrived and ultimately just drive the costs up for something that doesn't really add anything since we all could assume how the rescue was done anyways.


She fell and someone caught her.
