Fu**ing Eugene

After Sasha & Rosita heard Eugene's speech over the walkie talkie, why or how did they still think he'd go with them?
It was pretty obvious that he liked his new position and was getting off on the status. They should have just shot him instead of saying 'we're rescuing you'. He didn't want to be rescued. He is Negan.


Exactly. I saw that coming long ago - Eugene speaking to/as Negan is one Sociopath speaking to another.


But they aren't exactly the same- Eugene is not an alpha sociopath, he wants someone to follow, so I think he's a true believer of Negan even though he's scared when Negan kills people.
I think eventually Negan will demand that Eugene prove his loyalty by personally killing someone. probably one of the Alexandrites. And frickin Eugene will do it.


Eugene is such a pussy, and yes they should have blown his head off when he walked back inside.


It may turn out Eugene is planning something and Sasha's hijinks were interfering.


I don't know, maybe I give Eugene too much credit, but I feel he's trying to protect the group? I took it more like he didn't want to be rescued because then more people will die. Every time they try to do something, someone dies/gets taken by the saviors. And let's face it, Sasha and Rosita's plan is a suicide mission. If only they would've waited instead of attacking on their own...


It's not just a suicide mission because they won't only get themselves killed- it's a MURDER suicide mission because they will also get other Alexandrites killed. Negan knows what group they came from and he will retaliate on Alexandria, probably before they can get their forces organized. They are tipping their hand.
It's just so selfish and stupid. I want to take their two heads and clonk them together like coconuts to maybe knock an ounce of SENSE into them. Rosita telling how she took on serial lovers just to learn their skills and then bounce.... it's too bad she never picked up any common sense or TACTICS from any of the dudes. She is just all impulse and no calculation.
She just pisses me off so much. Like her ridiculous prior attempt to shoot Negan when he had all his soldiers around him and she only had one bullet. And of course she MISSED. She is just a dangerous combination of stupidity and stubbornness.


She is dangerous, and Sasha should know better . I thought she was smarter but since the actress is probably leaving they need a way to kill her off dramatically and memorably.


I agree that Eugene is probably worried about Rosita and Sasha getting hurt but I also believed that he genuinely wanted to stay. He enjoys this newfound power he has, his new self-appointed title!


I don't think Eugene is Negan. Yes he's scared and yes he's enjoying a little respect and power, but he's smart enough to realize that running off with those two will almost certainly get him killed. At the very least he'll be hunted by the Saviors and will not be able to live with his friends.

What was bad writing was his reaction. He should have already considered someone coming to rescue him. IMO he would have certainly told anyone to leave him there as a mole - since he has authority and freedom to move. He would say this to any would-be rescuer, even if he intended to live with the Savors permanently. It's the smart thing to say and do - he is sitting pretty where he is, regardless of which side wins. But ONLY if he tells Rosita and Sasha that he's working from the inside.


He answered 'I am Negan' way too quick though, he didn't even need to think about it or even let Negan finish the question. He couldn't wait to say 'I am Negan', and then elaborated... 'I was Negan before I even knew what Negan was, I've been waiting all my life to be Negan'.
I think he means it.


yea, I am thinking he does mean he is Negan, esp after last night


The last time Eugene listened to Rosita, he ended up being taken by Negan. Why would he listen to her, again? If he's smart, he'll wait for Rick, Darryl or anyone but Rosita since she can't shoot straight, anyway. She did miss Negan at point-blank range.

He has Negan's trust, so he could probably betray him if that's his final plan.

In the meantime, Eugene is respected for his intelligence by Negan and is higher up in their society. At least he can enjoy it while it lasts.


In the whole TWD universe - Eugene is probably the worst character you could have to deal with.


Disagree. He knows how to wire solar panels into a grid, manage the electricity, make homemade HAM radios, understands metallurgy and chemistry, etc. He would be an excellent asset, if you knew how to utilize him. Rick was stupid for never understanding the tool he had with Eugene. Negan isn't stupid, and that's why he's exploiting Eugene for every ounce of brilliance he can extract from that dude.


agee completely about ricks lack of using the "tool". But still hes the worst. Because he could turn his back on you in every situation. He can outsmart and backstab you without you even noticing. And he has neither compassion nor empathy. So yes - he is the worst to deal with.


Well, I agree with you that Eugene can be a bit of a ship jumper, I don't think he would however stab anyone in the back. He might pick the side he thinks will win, but he's not malicious, nor does he have a sociopathic bone in him. He's just a coward who always takes the cowards route.


Maybe the twist is that they successfully kill Negan at the end of this season only for Eugene to rise to power as his replacement in the next.


That was my foreshadowing way of thinking too...


Yeah, I think his character is beyond redemption at this point, and it seems pointless just to kill him off. Who knows, but it's definitely a possibility. Although, I don't know why Negan's inner circle would agree to follow him.


As he lifted himself up in the "Dr.engineer" whatever position so quickly , ordering people around - I dont see why it shouldnt work out.


I'd tend to think that he'd need to do something more that would capture the admiration of the Saviors beyond armored walkers. But who knows, maybe that would be enough.


and he is enjoying his new status and the ability to order others around. As long as Negan is happy with him, I think Eugene will stay a Savior.
