Re: The tunnel

So there's a guy in their Dumbwaiter, and someone else even tells them there's a tunnel in their house. Yet they seem to have no interest in finding it. It takes until episode 5 for them to finally find it? And even then, that was only because a contractor was in the basement and found it for them?
If anyone was to pop up in my house, I'd be getting to the source as quickly as possible. Instead, these 2 just go out front and argue with dude's sister about him being in the house.

I think these 2 were some of the biggest idiots I've ever seen.


Agreed. The moment the tunnel is first mentioned, in real life they would have been all over that, scouring the basement for access into the home. They didn't show any interest in looking for a tunnel until someone else found it. So weird.


What I don't get is how Dean wanted badly to know where that tunnel lead, so he goes around asking the neighbors if he can check out their entire house to see if they have a tunnel. Why not just GO IN THE TUNNEL to see where it leads


"Why not just GO IN THE TUNNEL to see where it leads"

That's exactly what I said. Made no sense at all. Extremely stupid writing.


It lead to a closed door, so he decided to just ask the neighbors if they knew about tunnels and if he could take a look inside their houses to see it they lead there. That's the most logical approach.

I'm joking, I'd have taken an axe and I would have torn that door to pieces and I had watched myself where it lead to.


Yes, that's the right thing to do (no irony).
With a little caution perhaps, nobody can know what's behind a closed door. *boom*

Or their strange behaviour and ignorance is the result of a kind of hypnosis?
Tunnel gas?


As soon as I encountered that locked door at the end of the tunnel, I would gotten an axe, chainsaw, or anything needed to take that door down. Someone is using that door and tunnel to illegally enter my house at their leisure! Maybe I’d give the State Police a heads-up first but nothing’s gonna stop me from taking out that door. I wouldn’t care whose house it led to. Everything else going on would have been reduced to a priority of zero.

The fact that the tunnel and door never gets investigated or even barely mentioned again is a huge error by the writer.


The fact they didn't even TRY to work out where it goes is too annoying. Even if you don't knock the door down, you can see which direction it goes and how long it is. Start there at least.


It's on NETFLIX.. What did you expect??
