Too bitter and dry

Ok it does not have to have the same tone of Sideways, which had a more enjoyable balance, but some humour here and there or lighter themes would have improved its viewing.

It's almost too hard to chew.
Unnecessarily so, at its own expenses.

And Christmas was not there at all.


Can't wait to see it. I like bitter and dry. I am bitter and dry.


Update: Now that I've seen it, I didn't think it was too bitter and dry. There was quite a bit of humor to lighten it up here and there. Good movie. Giamatti was terrific.


You will like it then.
I wanted more nutrients in it, not nearly enough calories for me.


I think you went a little overboard on the metaphor there dude... :-P


Nah, it gives exactly the right idea.


I actually agree with you.

I did enjoy it overall. However, the trailer sold me on a movie with more heart and more humor. While it did have heart, I wanted MORE heart. And while it did have humor, and even made me legit laugh out loud, I wanted MORE humor.

So I guess it was just a case me wanting MORE from the movie than what it gave me.


Yes, what I got too.
And it is so against itself, as if its true nature strives for more heart and humour but it was intentionally suppressed by somberity and soberness.


Maybe I liked it because I never saw a trailer for it. Went in totally blind.


That definitely could be. If I went in with no expectations I think I probably would've enjoyed it more and would've thought of it as a pleasant surprise and hidden gem. But like I said, the trailer set me up for a movie that I thought might be a little more funny and a little less cynical.


my rating: "forgettable"


Yeah, close enough.


I think what made it relatable is that for some people, Christmas time can be a very lonely time. The characters in the movie became closer to one another, even if they all came from such different backgrounds. So it was uplifting in that sense.


That’s not a unique story line though. We’ve seen unique people get closer to each other all the time - from riding the subway to work, or starring in a Vietnam movie.

And Paul Giamatti plays it to the balcony the entire time. He is not threatening or unique. Who wants to spend Xmas with a dork like him?? At least some of the guys were hot.


Most Xmas movies made nowadays are unbearable to watch. This one was perfectly bittersweet. Especially the ending where **SPOILERS** you can look at it from the perspective that Paul is finally escaping to a whole new life and experiences out in the world.


Bitter, yes.
Sweet, not at all.


There were several times when I LOLed




It had it's fun moments.


It had its fun moments, but they were not nearly enough for my taste.
