MovieChat Forums > Baywatch (2017) Discussion > Anyone else tired of these 'loud' summer...

Anyone else tired of these 'loud' summer movies?

You know the special effects filled, eye candy, no real plot/just an excuse for explosions, michael bay type pointless movies.

I really dislike movies made for reasons of other than inspiration. Like actor vehicles, trying to get awards movies, movies that are almost x rated movies, straight to dvd slasher flicks...etc....

I saw the trailer and was like, oh no the 'summer' movie is here. I swear it's the same movie over and over again. The only difference is they have newer cellphones/technology, and the latest fashions on.

Same plot, for example we have the 'fat friend' that is the but of every joke. That a pretty girl makes him believe in god, etc....They just update the slang from that's cool, to da bomb, or it's lit, or whatever the current lingo is. To 'update' it. But really it's all the same. Bunch of rag tag people have to save the world somehow. And it has to be set somewhere exciting. The beach this time!

I know it's a remake of a tv show, most remakes just totally ignore the show. Not that the show was some amazing work of art. It was what it was lol....but this is just tired at this point.

I hate judging a movie before seeing it, but the fact that it makes me not want to watch it is very telling.


I'll agree with you that most of them are pretty bad, but the summer is always looking to appeal more towards kids out of school and looking for something to do. This didn't look good to me going in but it did make me laugh some. I am more interested in seeing some more intelligent summer films going forward like Dunkirk, War for the Planet of the Apes, and i'm hearing Wonder Woman is good too. I like to watch a lot of films cause there is always a surprise coming a long some where. That's why i'm trying to do what i'm trying to do.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


You think there is CGI in this movie??? go criticize San Andreas, another movie with Dwayne Johnson


Selling movies in China

The bigger summer movies are made to be sold in China and the studios that make and market these movies have come to understand that they can "market" movies that are rely on spectacle, big brands, CGI and they do not want to take the risk of trying to market a drama, a romance or even a sci-fi movie with complex themes to a market that doesn't have the film culture that say the American or French markets do...

Self Censorship

The movies really have to be dumbed down and sanitised to get through the Chinese censors as well... The recent Alien movie had several death scenes cut out as well as several scenes of the Alien... The reason rumoured is that movies shown in China need to be able to be viewed by a younger audience... so the pressure is on to self-censor make these movies even more family/kids friendly and infantilised... Less idiosyncratic, original or experimental...

Not just China!

There is a whole generation of movie goers who has never seen an adult drama, mid-budget genre movie, or original story told on the big screen... Their diet has been just over a decade of comic-book movies, CGI action movies, CGI cartoons and the odd victim narrative Oscar movie... It's not their fault, it's just what has been pumped into theatres over the past 15 years... This generation's celebrated movies are the Batman movie with Heath Ledger as joker, that's really what they think of when it comes to thinking of an interesting, or really good movie...

The big corporations that make movies do not want to make a $50-80mm original story that may get an ok return on it's theatrical release and a bit of streaming money (piracy really has killed the post theatrical market)... They'd rather spend twice or three times as much and make billions in selling toys, merchandise and such as well as making a ton of money showing the movie internationally... This has been the case for over a decade now...


Oh so that's why they make these insipid movies over and over. I always hear about Hollywood caring about foreign box office more then their own. I can see why now. Even having the release dates overseas first. Make sense.

Yeah so tired of all the dumb kids movies too, I guess they do it to sell all the toys. How sad. Yes I see why they would not invest in a decent sad.

But I think eventually the actors themselves will not be able to rationalize why they are in these dumb movies. And lose the american faith in them/popularity. I think half of celebrity/fame/casting is due to popularity and box office draw. (other half appearance/acting talent/etc.) Famous/good Xy or z actor is in this movie = i will see it no matter what. BUT when they see an actor do trash movie after trash movie they lose respect = no long box office draw = not seeing movies = studios dump that actor.

Like what happened to Nicolas Cage, he started off with great performances, then he sold out. It's a sick cycle. You get some 'cred' then you sell out. But then people hate you for it and the studio drops you.

I feel like these big studios need to stand up more to these countries and have a back bone. Say like "Hey I know you are against pure American culture, but you are watching and american movie, can't you accept the little differences?" It's like trying foreign food, it's too spicy/sour/etc...for you don't eat it. I know we have restaurants that are Americanized foreign food, that are not really authentic. And it's a shame to not get the real thing. And yeah people's pallets are different. Some adjustments are ok. But to do it to this extent is very crazy imo.

I get what you are saying but can't they translate the complex plots? They must have complicated movies of their own. They must have their own scifi, romance, and rom-com movies. But yeah I don't expect much from these studios that for the past 10 years have been basically reboots, adaptations, and cgi. Good points.


Interesting take. I remember reading that a concerted effort to play to Chinese audiences hurt Now You See Me 2, a very disappointing sequel to a fun and original idea.


Yes, a long time ago. That's why I generally ignore them.



wish no movies were allowed in china at all.......maybe that could save the art of moviemaking


Has this done well in China? I haven't even paid attention to that.
