Racist like Temple of Doom

The first people you meet in a brown Muslim country are of course corrupt and criminal.

No better than Temple of Doom.


Well , it is a jewish production!


Short Round is very racist !
White people are nazi’s is also racist.
I think the juice are outa line with portraying whites as evil.


Who fucking cares?


>> No better than Temple of Doom.

Well, Temple of Doom is the greatest adventure movie of all time. So it would be difficult to surpass.


I meant to say that it did not improve on the racism in Temple of Doom (Indians eating chilled monkey brain and so forth).


Oh geez it’s almost as if it’s the bad guys who are the ones eating Monkey Brains, you know the people we aren’t supposed to root for. Get off your pedestal, you don’t care about anyones cultural sensitivity or anything, you just want to hear yourself talk and you want virtue points.


I didn't see any racism in Temple, and Steven never intended it to be racist, obviously. He's Steven Spielberg. His intention was to create an exciting and enjoyable movie, like a thrilling roller coaster ride. Engaging in a constant search for perceived wrongs and critically dissecting every old movie with a contemporary lens in 2023 isn't beneficial at all.


Whoah, ease up on the anti-semitism!
