MovieChat Forums > Modern Family (2009) Discussion > Manny should just come out

Manny should just come out

We all see it. He try's so hard to act straight. His step dad see he is gay.


It's hard for Manny to get out of the closet.


That would be too many gay people and less funnies


Manny. What about Phil. Dude is flaming.


Like Phil's fem side is news to me.


I can definitely see what you are saying. He's kind of a priss. But throughout previous seasons, he would always be chasing some girl he was after. Either a girl who catches his eye at the park, a girl at school, he even tried to hit on Hallie. He's like one of those guys who's not homosexual, but very gay in manner. VERY gay in manner.

But then there's always the possibility of the "inner conflict" and finding oneself. Lots of us mo's have dealt with that. Not me personally but many.

Seriously though, with Mitch and Cam and their SLEW of friends that appear on so many episodes, the show doesn't necessarily need so many gay characters. It's not a GAY show, it's a DIVERSE show. Even I prefer it that way. I would like to see Manny loosen up for once and just MAYBE get the girl.

One of my favorite lines:
MANNY: How do I look?
JAY: You look like Al Capone.
MANNY: Thanks!


But then there's always the possibility of the "inner conflict" and finding oneself. Lots of us mo's have dealt with that. Not me personally but many.
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Yeah, it's sooooo traumatic knowing what your sexuality is. You like, know, when your damn genitals become excited, for starters. I suppose when you have no real problems, "finding yourself" become IT.. No sympathy for closet cases.

At the same time, nobody has to come out to please anyone or any group. Come out for what, to be mocked and called F*G? That is not owed to anyone, for them to "come out".


This may be off topic of the show itself, but game on.

For some it IS a struggle. And for some it's not. Everyone's story is different. Everyone's family is different. Everyone's job is different. The stakes are higher for some than they are for others. And no, not everyone knows this of themselves right away. Self discovery is a real thing, genius. Don't be a dick because it wasn't as easy for everyone as it obviously was for you. I always knew and maybe you did too, but few people are that lucky.


Then those who dont' "know" are likely bisexual .But it has to be complex the other way too: "I am a full-fledged homosexual, but I enjoy sex with women". That is nonsensical.

I am not a dick for cutting through this B.S. Yes, it's a struggle for some, but you burden that same person with a host of struggles (other challenges) and you'll see how fast the sexuality-struggle takes a back seat.. Of course, the majority of people dont' have those other struggles. The reason it's a struggle is because of their damn pride, feeling "less" than normal and what people will think of them-- which they are not used to feeling, since the rest of their life is charmed. How "lucky" for them too,

And they dont' NEED to come out because they expect to live in such a carefree world; life is not fair. Yet, if they look/.act overtly gay, there is no need to come out since everyone can tell anyway (are they fired from their jobs because they are obviously gay without actually saying so? Or just not hired due to it?)


Tell that to all the people who have kicked their chairs away.


Tell that to all the people who have kicked their chairs away? Don't know what you mean, unless you mean their job.

Look, I will nicely explain it one more time: Do you know, or know of anyone, who has many fundamental problems that they would consider their sexuality to at least be a "normal" struggle? I don't want to use the "but there are children starving in China"--comparison, but it's similar to when I hear about men who are traumatized because they are losing their hair, or feel so depressed because they 'only' make 50K a year instead of their ideal 75K a year.

There are people with permanent ongoing emotional/physical scars out there, so yes, I am speaking about comparisons. By the way, there is a large segment of people who could not afford to gain a degree to even have their jobs taken from them.

So, you "TELL" it to the people who I described above and see what reaction your get, sport.


OK. I'll bow out. "Sport". Oh and the people who kicked their chairs away, those were the ones who hanged themselves.


you need not bow out. Maybe just more specific on phases like 'kicked their chairs away'; we all don't know what that means.

And if one hangs themselves over a temporary problem or act of mistreatment, how would they ever handle problems that are innate and affect a person 24/7 x 365 days a year. Ever consider a person who hangs themself might be mentally-ill to begin with to kill themself over one occurrence? Or, a person has a charmed life, then one road-block causes them to hang themself. Sorry, we live in different worlds. Count your blessings.



Hi artguylarry. You are too bright for most posters. "Kicked their chairs away" is known by many and easily found with two clicks.
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Look up "straightforward" while you're at it, as you're taking sides because not everyone knows every other's cliche. I know plenty of cliches, but would you be bright enough to know them? You have no clue as to who is bright or not, based on your response.

How about: "you don't your ass from your elbow" (?) Click on it (since all hipsters today can "click"; not look in a dictionary or other source of literature, only clicks on a computer).



Please don't take this the wrong way, but "straightforward" can be unimaginative and boring. Yes, you attacked a poster for knowing more than you, so you are fair (boring) game
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Please don't take this the wrong way (yeah, sure), but NON--"straightforward" can be pretentious, pompous, and "let me creative to show off".

And you "attacked" a poster (me) so you could pander for your co-poster. How non-straightforward of you.


I've been saying this for the past three seasons.


He's literate, creative, and stylish. Those qualities do not indicate homosexuality. Not all straight guys are Coors-swilling Neanderthals.
