Oh fuck off.

“In the film, Alex is the villain of the story, and Dan is the hero and there is no gray area,” Caplan told Entertainment Weekly in a recent preview piece. “Now, audiences have changed so much, we are no longer primed to believe in this villainous woman story. She’s clearly mentally ill and that’s not something that is really touched upon at all in the movie.”

“The series explores the timeless themes of marriage and infidelity through the lens of modern attitudes towards strong women, personality disorders and coercive control.”



No, what made the movie brilliant is that the husband was such a weak coward who cheated on his wife. So Alex was not 100% villain. If they fuck with that, who cares?

How can the husband be a hero? He created this whole nightmare for his wife and family.


I always thought the point of the original version was that he cheats with a woman who is far less attractive than his wife.

I'd have to disagree about her mental illness not being "touched upon" in the film. I thought it was clear she had screw loose from the start. She may have gone nuts even if he didn't have sex with her.


How is 'the point of the original version was that he cheats with a woman who is far less attractive than his wife' a point?

Where is the point in that?


I was being facetious however it certainly teaches a lesson. He went slumming and got burned.


The original was heightened melodrama.

Watching modern movie makers remake films because they think the original was making some profound point about the times is tedious. They were making films to entertain. You might try it.


Yeah, great rebuttal...

Except the movie has always been a product of conservative "family values" and fear over the Nuclear Family coming under attack - in this case by a dangerous "harpy career woman" who just can't let it go after being seemingly impregnated by the straying but ultimately "good husband"...And driven by horror movie madness by her personality disorder...
Oh Douglas character suffers for his infidelity, but in the end he almost drowns the "harpy" & the "sanctity" of marriage & the home is restored...

Don't know what universe his wife would stay after the woman he fucked tried to slaughter her whole family.

There was a more sensitive (better) ending where Alex kills herself & frames Douglas, but Reagan era test audiences were howling for blood & the restoration of the home.


Who greenlights this shit?
