MovieChat Forums > Suicide Squad (2016) Discussion > Top 20 reasons why Suicide Squad made so...

Top 20 reasons why Suicide Squad made so much money.

1. Suicide Squad stinks

2. Studio shills tricked me into watching it

3. Genius marketing

4. Will Smith is box office gold

5. Got lucky

6. Had huge opening weekend

7. Over sexualized Harley Quinn

8. The most over the top film version of the Joker yet

9. Batman

10. Was tricked into believing by the trailers that there would be more of the Joker

11. Little competition in august which gave the film legs. People had nothing else to see pretty much

12. Summer movie

13. Kids were out of school

14. Was not released in China because only 34 films are released there in a year

15. Was front loaded

16. Current comic-book movie mega boom

17. Cool colorful posters, cool cast interviews, etc

18. The Joker. Everybody was interested in seeing the new take on the character

19. All were A list DC characters

20. Margot Robbie is box office gold


1. Suicide Squad sucks

This is one of the reasons why movies make money? Come on 

2. Studio shills tricked me into watching it

that´s part of marketing

3. Genius marketing


4. Will Smith is box office gold

That has proven to be wrong with Will´s several latest movies dude...

5. Got lucky

Movies don´t get lucky with making money

6. Had huge opening weekend

Because it got lucky or because people went to see it and paid for tickets???

7. Over sexualized Harley Quinn

Yup cause Harley is known for her chastity right?

8. The most over the top film version of the Joker yet

Again is that even a reason? That he is over the top? Joker and Harley are known for their subtlety right? 

9. Batman

Batman wasn ´t even present on posters. If he was a bigger part of marketing I would say you´re right but he was in 2 shots in trailers and those shots are maybe 1 second long combined. And compared to his actually onscreen presence it was quite fair

10. Was tricked into believing by the trailers that there would be more of the Joker

Now this is fair conclusion...the only one


Three main reasons:

1. It is a superhero ( in this case more a supervillain) movie
2. The Joker ( and how he was so advertised)
3. Intense marketing ( also deceitful marketing)

I don't think that Will Smith was the main attraction of this movie. I didn't see people very thrilled to see him, but some media said that he was the main attraction, so we should believe everything the media says like they aren't pushing any ideas on us.

Yeah! Will Smith had to be the main attraction in the film, he and Margot Robbie.

So there's the answer why the studio cut everyone else, including the Joker.


I saw it out of morbid curiosity lol!!

There's a hole in the world. Feels like we ought to have known. - Spike



updated...we made it to 20!


Only a few reasons really.

1) Marketing was top notch and they were selling the film HARD for months with great trailers, cool colorful posters, cool cast interviews, etc. The color palette and style chosen for the promotional materials was very easy on the eye, catchy. Everyone worked their ass off on the PR stuff and it showed.

2) The Joker. Everybody was interested in seeing the new take on the character.

3) Current comic-book movie mega boom.

4) Little competition in august which gave the film legs. People had nothing else to see pretty much.

Laura:You left a dead prostitute buried alone in the desert?
Kyle:She's not alone.



thanks for the updated excuses



thanks and updated, the list continues to grow


haha now thats funny poor furious


So Marvel is always aces? Thor 2, Iron Man 2, Ant-Man and Avengers: Age of Complacency beg to differ, big guy.


I am big boned.



I am sorry.


Its ok, I am having them replaced with titanium this fall.




So Marvel is always aces? Thor 2, Iron Man 2, Ant-Man and Avengers: Age of Ultron, beg to differ, big guy.

Hilarious, those are some of Marvel's top films, particularly "Thor 2" and "Avengers: Age of Ultron."

I suppose you think "Spider-Man 2" was a masterpiece?


People today are dumb as shit and grin happily as shouty, noisy visual excrement is thrown at them?

That would be my guess.


I would disagree with that.


Member when people thought this movie would fail.



It made more than GotG too.


I agree with you Sir Ackbar.


It had Joker and Batman in it.


Over sexualized Harley Quinn x20. 😍


oh yeah!
