Adele: don't do it

Jennifer gave an interview where she said Adele told her to not do this film because space movies are like vampire movies or something.

What the....
Who gives a shot what Adele thinks about space movies???
This may be the dumbest movie related thing I've heard in 2022! :D


I rolled my eyes. That was such stupid and nonsense advice. Shows how dumb both of them are.

Adele should have advice her not to do Mother! and Red Sparrow.

Passengers is a rare movie in her career that is actually watchable and has depth. She does so many forgettable crap movies. Causeway, Red Sparrow, Joy, Serena, House at the End of the Street.... Does anyone remember plot of American Hustle or Silver Linings Playbook? I watched and I dont. They hyped those movies on awards season but they were so forgettable and boring that I doubt any person rewatched them.

While Passenger is a very good sc-fi movie. And those always stand time and people rewatch them. And they are always on tv on repeats. Its a movie that opens debate, people can discuss and choose sides and wonder what they would do in that situation. It had extremely bad marketing when they promoted it like it was some "love story in space". It looked boring in trailers.

Movie should have been marketed the way it is - its about person who woke up alone on a ship and cant go back to sleep.
I rewatched trailer. Its bad. First 40 seconds its boring love story between Chris and Jennifer. Then its popcorn action. While first half of the movie it was all about Chris waken up and wondering lonely on a ship facing the prospect to die alone of old age and making choice to wake up or not other people.

Crazy woke letfies and their press hated this movie because in the end there was happy ever after for Jim after he woke up Aurora. And they wanted him to suffer consequences and die or something. Like movie should have out loud say he was bad guy and punish him. But it didnt. So they attacked movie and actors for making it.


"It had extremely bad marketing when they promoted it like it was some "love story in space". It looked boring in trailers. "

True. I skipped it in theaters precisely because of the trailer, but was plesantly surprised when I finally saw it on blu-ray. I only later realized it was directed by the same person who did The Imitation Game which I also liked.


Mother! Is a modern cult classic.

"Crazy woke letfies and their press hated this movie because in the end there was happy ever after for Jim after he woke up Aurora."

* eyeroll*. You people don't even know what woke means anymore.


I remember when that movie came out and Hollywood woke press (there isnt other press in USA) went crazy with bashing it. Just because Jim woke up Aurora and wasnt punished for it. They took it personal because in their woke echo chamber all men are trash and have to suffer and be trashed. And movie didnt do it and gave him happy ending. That was the only reason they hated this movie.

No one even remembers Mother! It came, was hyped for few weeks then was forgotten.



Gee, I hope future producers are all consulting with Adele first, so they can make GOOD movies. Hahahaha




I always watched it. I think it's Lost in Space.


It was such a bizarre comment by her and she made it sound like the movie was such a bomb and everyone hated it. No idea where this was coming from. I thought the movie was entertaining and pretty popular. I read this like she was taking a shot about Chris Pratt. Where was Adele when Lawrence was doing Mother! which was a true bomb.


The movie did bomb and was panned.


Passengers grossed $303.1 million worldwide, against a net production budget of $110 million. It was the second-highest grossing original live-action Hollywood release of 2016, after La La Land.


It made $100 millions at domestic box office and $200 millions more overseas. On a budget of $110–150 million. I guess no one knows the real budget.

They expected it to make more, probably some $180 millions in USA and some 300 overseas for some total of $500 millions worldwide. Because they thought that Jennifer Lawrence is a big box-office star. Which she never was. Its all hype in press. She made few ensembles with other famous actors. But no one will come to movie specially because of her.

And neither is Chris Pratt, he is just very lucky to pick projects that would make money. But Jurassic World and Guardians would be successful with any actor.

Here producers miscalculated the real star power of those two actors. They really thought it would make over 150 millions. But it made 100 millions. Which was still good, that movie did not flop and studio didnt lose money. It just didnt perform to expectations.

And it was penned by leftie woke critics and their press. People who watched it - loved it. Its very rewatchable movie and those kind of movies that will be shown constantly on tv even 20 years after release.



Yes, does the all knowing Adele have a psychic website I can subscribe to?? :)
