MovieChat Forums > The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Discussion > So let me get this straight...

So let me get this straight...

....Batman disappears the same time as Bruce Wayne and they both make their public return at the same time 8 years later and the public doesn't put it together that they are the same people?


No that is not correct, Bruce Wayne didn't disappear from the public eye until 4 years later after he read Dr. Paval's paper and learned that the reactor could be turned into a bomb. They did not disappear at the same time so it's not logical anyone would assume Bruce was Batman.

This was confirmed in a discussion Bruce and Miranda Tate had at the party.

Also Bruce was seen one time at a party and he clearly had a cane, no one would ever think that he was Batman as they didn't know about his knee brace.


yaa not much makes sense in this film


Not as bad as superman without his glasses.




There are millions of people living in Gotham. Why would anyone link those two people?


Batman drives an expensive car and has expensive devices. Bruce Wayne is the richest man in Gotham. Couple that with the fact that they both disappeared and reappeared at the same time.


Why would a rich guy beating street thugs? Can you imagine Elon Musk is actually Batman? Iron Man maybe, because he wears a robot suit and doesn't actually beat up thugs in the streets using martial arts.


Why would a rich guy beating street thugs?

True. But he actually is doing it.


I was just saying that it's unlikely that people would think that Bruce Wayne is actually Batman.


I know but those are two huge factors.


Except they didn't...?

Batman disappeared eight years before the events of TDKR.

Bruce became a recluse THREE years before the events of TDKR.

Bruce was still out and about for FIVE years while Batman had disappeared.

Who would assume Bruce Wayne was Batman at that point when one disappeared and the other hadn't?


It's been a while since I've seen it, but from what I remember they mentioned that Bruce and Batman were both gone for 8 years.


No... they very clearly make it known that Bruce disappeared three years before the events of TDKR.

They make mention of it during the board meeting scene, I believe, and in another scene discussing the reactor.

[EDIT]: Just remembered, I believe the press also make mention of it when Bruce comes out to the event and he has the dance with Catwoman.


Maybe people would think Alfred was batman


That would explain why he's always slow getting to places.
