MovieChat Forums > Bad Teacher (2011) Discussion > How are you not outraged?

How are you not outraged?

So, I don't know what was worse about this movie - the fact that the "teacher" got away with treating everyone like garbage, the terrible things these children were exposed to, the corrupt teachers (all of them), or the fact that the drug abusing teacher gets away with everything in the end.

1. How was she not reported? She was a foul ***** to everyone - funny for the first 2 seconds, but got real old real fast.

2. The stuff this woman exposed those children to - her drug abuse, the movie watching instead of doing actually homework, and finally cheating in the end - she ruined everyone of those children.

3. Teachers smoking pot in the gym. Everyone of those people were trash. The only decent teacher is rewarded with - what's this? - she's framed for being a drug user! How funny! So funny I forgot to laugh.

4. So, in the end, she gets away with everything. The decent teacher is sent to a terrible school. And everyone lives happily ever after. She continues to be a snob. Without the proper rehab she will continue to be a drug user. And those children will suffer.

Um... is this supposed to be a comedy? Because it isn't funny at all. How can any parent of any public school attending children be amused by this? This is a shame. It should have never been made into a movie.

It is a sad portrayal of the public school system. I hope this isn't how public schools really are nowadays...? If this was a male teacher abusing little girls, would it still be funny?

I think the people who made this film should be ashamed of themselves. I think the public education system should pull out a lawsuit for this. Is this really what America is all about now? If the teachers are corrupt, what chance do your children have?


I guess if you're looking to fictional, comedic movies for moral/social guidance, you should be outraged.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


That is not OP's point... At least I guess not. But I agree with him, most of the time even in the trashiest comedies with the most despicable characters show some redemption in a way or another. Here... She was an awful human being from the beggining to the end and got away free as a bird at the end.


The funniest comedies (Animal House, Caddyshack) don't show any redemption at all. That's what makes them great.


I am REALLY hard to offend and everyone who knows me would confirm it... But yes I was kinda outraged by this movie. It is not like if she redeemed herself in any way.


The movie's making fun of bad teachers. Every school has one (and usually more). It's a (black) comedy, not a serious drama.


Pretty much covered by many, but I agree with the masses. This isn't the type of movie that inspires people to become teachers (I dunno. Try, Mr. Holland's Opus for that). It's more of a "mocumentary" style that uses dysfunction and backstabbing as a comedy trope. So Robin Hood: Men In Tights. Not Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves


This is the funniest comedy of the last ten years. Your outrage just makes it even funnier!



I hope the OP has matured and lightened up during the twelve years since his or her post. It's interesting, how many people see a raunchy comedy and think it's a documentary about real life. If the movie shocked and pissed off such a stick-up-their-ass person as the OP, its makers must have been doing something right.
