MovieChat Forums > Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) Discussion > the ONE silver lining to this film exist...

the ONE silver lining to this film existing....'s making people re-access how "good" Fury Road is.

This seems to have a similar effect that The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker had on the Disney Star Wars films. Before they came out, Star Wars fans were SWOONING over Disney Star Wars in Dec. 2015, say how much BETTER it was than the lame prequels and how it showed JJ truly GOT Star Wars and now we were back to REAL, kick-butt 1980s style Star Wars movies, blah blah blah. All of that changed when the next two "installments" came out. People started to realize what shallow, pointless cash grabs they were for Disney, and stopped defending how "good" JJ Abrams was. Star Wars fans not only flip-flopped 180o degrees overnight, they went back and re-accessed how "good" The Force Awakens was, and realized in hindsight that it kickstarted the crappy Disneyified version of Star Wars.

With Flopiosa out there, people are rewatching the previous Mad Max movies to prep for the new one, and they're seeing Fury Road in a new light. At the time in came out in 2015, they were having orgasms over the film... swooning about how it was one of the greatest action flicks ever and ZOMG Best Mad Max movie of all time, blah blah blah. Now, they are realizing in hindsight that the movie promised them a Mad Max film, but he was REALLY a sidekick to the new "Furiosa" character that George Miller created, and the whole film existed to just "introduce" her to audiences so she could get her OWN "girl power!" movie WITHOUT Max being there at all. Even worse for the Fury Road propaganda, people are realizing in hindsight that Tom Hardy is NOTHING like the REAL Mad Max that MEL GIBSON played. This went over people's heads in 2015 because it had been three decades since a Mad Max film, and people's memories had faded. But now, people are "binge watching" the first four films BACK TO BACK to "prepare" for the new one, and realizing there is a HUGE, JARRING change from the third installment to the fourth one. Tom Hardy LOOKS, SOUNDS, and ACTS absolutely NOTHING like the Max Rockatansky character from the original trilogy. Rather than simply ADMIT its non-canon, they are now trying to do mental gymnastics to justify the huge change in Fury Road, coming up with "fan theories" like the "Max" in that movie is really a grown up version of the "Feral Kid" from The Road Warrior, who changed his name to "Max" as an adult as a "tribute" to meeting the REAL (Mel Gibson) Max.

It's a start. It is now SLOWLY dawning on people that Fury Road is NOT good and is NOT CANON. If so, we can thank Flopiosa for moving the general public in that direction. Remember, it wasn't until around Terminator 5 or so that it started to dawn on people that only the first two films were REAL Terminator "installments". People were still saying Terminator 3 and 4 were "good" for years, and trying to justify them as legitimate sequels to the first two movies. Nobody does that anymore!


Did you see the movie?


I'm proud to say I have never seen either Faux Max movie with 'Furiosa', and I never will.

And before you start sneering a "you CAN'T judge it unless you've actually SEEN it!" talking point, I will also point out I have never seen Home Alone 3,4,5 or 6 either, only the first two with MacCauley Culkin. I doubt people will argue I need to "see it for myself" to determine if those movies suck.


I didn't care for Fury Road because the final scene of furiosa taking over signified the death of everyone Imortan Joe had under his thumb.

I did watch Furiosa because I'm done watching movies in theaters. I saw 19 movies this year and the average score among them is 2.08/5. It may be a good movie, but it's awash in a bad movies.

Last year had movies that wwre stupid but more fun. This year is pretty bad.


you def right about new SW, i CLEARLY recall EVERYONE gushing over TFA saying how amazing it was, bringing back the vibe of the originals trilogy, how it s**t all over the prequels (it was even the opening line of the film), but then with TLJ normal ppl (not film critics who look proclaimed it best SW ever) were shocked and leading to Disney panicking and bringing back JJ to do basically TFA part 2 which EVERYONE film critics and majority of audiences poring scorn on. leading to reassessing TFA as just as bad in hindsight ..and leading EVERYONE (hard SW fans, casual fans, lefty agenda obsessed film critics) to reassess the Prequels as being REAL SW not fake fan fiction SW like the sequel trilogy (its telling JJ Abrams hasn't directed/produced anything since)


christ , its amazing what hoops you'll jump through to find reasons to hate a movie and get other people to join you
or two movies in this case.


Fury Road is a masterpiece and one of the BEST action movies ever made.

And no, Max wasn't a sidekick, in fact IS him Who gave furiosa the idea of taking over the citadel. If it's for her they all would have died in the desert.


Well, you might be right that people will see Fury Road, maybe for the first time. And that’s a good thing bc Fury Road was EXCEPTIONAL - a true masterpiece. Road Warrior was the one that started the whole thing and it was fantastic, but Fury Road is the one that is on best film lists. I did not like the first Mad Max at all. I skipped Thunder Dome for some reason. I did see Furiosa and it was not that good of a movie. The best part was Furiosa as a child. But I think it should stop after this last one. But for those reading these posts - SEE Fury Road - it’s unbelievable.


>> SEE Fury Road - it’s unbelievable <<

Yeah, its unbelievable George Miller expected audiences to buy that Tom Hardy was the "same character" that Mel Gibson played in the first three films. Even the most hardcore Fury Road apologists don't buy that, which is why they created the "grown up Feral Kid calls himself Max" fan theory trying to fit that crapfest into Mad Max canon.

Worst recasting since we were supposed to buy Jai Courtney as the "same character" Michael Biehn played in Terminator 1.

See Terminator Genisys - it's unbelievable they had the same casting talent George Miller had on Fury Road!


There is nothing like Mel. He’s an excellent actor and film director. He is Mad Max. I didn’t like Mad Max 1 at all. Thunder Dome didn’t look good to me so I didn’t see it. I only liked Road Warrior. I saw Fury Road way after it was released on a whim. 40 years after Road Warrior was made. But Fury Road, as a film, is phenomenal. I didn’t have to buy into anything. It was just so well done.

I only saw the first three Terminator movies - I didn’t think the third one very good so I never saw the others. Furiosa is not a good movie btw. And Anya is not that great in it as much as I like her. The real find is the young actress who plays Furiosa as a child. The first hour was actually good and then after that when Anya comes into the story, all that you see are caricatures that remind you of Ben-Hur, Lawrence of Arabia, Zeus, Hells Angels, and yes, Isis, everywhere Isis, not in theme but a visual.
