I Seen It

Just home from watching Death Wish, and I'm disappointed. I didn't expect great things, but I hoped I'd at least get an enjoyable film. It's not awful, but it plods along in a very color-by-numbers manner. Lots of loose ends and inexplicable actions, and it all ties together too easily in a very blah Hollywood ending.


Did you enjoy the original?


I think the original is very well made. It's by no means a perfect film, but where it works, it works amazingly well. If I were to list out my 100 favorite films of all time, it would find a place on the list.



Well, for starters I'd say Death Wish 2 through 5 are trash, and only worth watching to laugh at. They may have moments here or there, but each is progressively worse than the last.

The original Death Wish and the new one have nearly nothing in common other than the basic premise. A man's wife and daughter are attacked, and he becomes a vigilante as a result. You can watch either without any risk of spoiling the other.

The first film is a product of its time, and it is paced and plotted like many films of the '70s. It builds slowly, doesn't offer any extended, high-budget explosive action, and takes a "realistic" approach to the ideas of closure and retribution. I grew up watching those films, but for someone who doesn't watch much older cinema, the starkness may be jarring.



Deathwish 2-5 aren't as good as the original, but I had a blast watching them. Number 3 was the most absurd, but the action was better than 2. Number 4 was schlocky and better than 2 and 3.


Finding the three thugs that killed his wife was weak.. and the ending sucked because of it's typical *happy* end. I did not expect much seeing this as well but man shitfest..

Guess you can't really beat the bronson film though


I dunno. I liked it. it was fun. definitely knew what to expect just by reading the poster.
"They came for his family. now he's coming for them" fair deal


I've seen it


Bronson is KING.


Bronson was sooo good. He made otherwise unremarkable films into classics.
