
Luis (187)


Why Didnt Anyone Pour Salt On Them? Title of a Movie About Giant Snails Travelling Through Canals Against the Navy Need Title of War Film Need Title of War Film Title of Movie? Really? A Safe House and the Agent Opens the Door? Beards on US Officers...? Where Is The Horror Here? Who Is The Biggest Amoral...? Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers! Spoilers... Please Clarify Characters... Spoilers View all posts >


The man was a highly respected government employee and his boss. Although the role that Stewart played was that of the slightly loony professor... I am aware I am replying to an 8-year post. Here is what Wikipedia says as to her acting in Star Trek: 'Vetri has been incorrectly identified in numerous sources as playing the role of the "human form of a shape-shifting cat" in the Star Trek episode "Assignment: Earth" (a role actually played by April Tatro[8]). Vetri emphatically states she never appeared on Star Trek, saying, "I was never in an episode of STAR TREK. I know that people think I was [...] I am not sure who she was. Look close enough and you can see that she has blue eyes and I, of course, have brown."' Bravo for your reply, Kane! You are reacting to a movie depicting a REAL event. Then ask for a movie depicting a FICTIONAL event. When in REAL life pirates hijack an AMERICAN ship we will have that kind of movie. Oh wait! There is the movie Pueblo, a made-for-TV movie about the seizure by North Koreans. And there are several movies on the USS Liberty attack by Israeli forces. Although not pirates, Israel forces behaved like one. USS Liberty Incident The Day Israel Attacked America Great post. Thank you. No they are eejits! Snowflake your mama, asshole. I am replying here since this person has completely missing the point. And sorry to resurrect a 9-year post. "Cara Mia" is Italian for "My Beloved." He does not say this because he has Spanish blood. "Cara Mia" is not related at all to a romantic response. He says "Cara Mia" whenever he responds romantically to her French muttering. "Querida" is Spanish, but cannot but not be connected in any way to "Cara." So Miss_Georgia, you missed it completely! View all replies >