Wait what!

I mostly liked the show but like often with these type of shows where they reveal everything in the final episode they tend to blow it.


I mean Nick going to that house after escaping isn't how a normal person would behave. Your instinct at that time would be to get to safety, like going home or to the police. You do not immediately go on some quest for revenge without even dropping by to see your family first, and especially when you're just some average family man (not a mobster or something).


There were a lot of stupid decisions at the end there, I actually found myself thinking "These have got to be some of the stupidest people alive". [facepalm]


Also mostly liked the show but I had the same exact thought. I guess the theory is he felt that the kidnappers had so badly destroyed his reputation by branding him an abuser/murderer online that he thought the only way to reemerge would be to go to the police with his catfisher to explain he was innocent. It's really pretty flimsy and that he even knew where she lived (a woman from work twice his age, seems odd he'd know) and was released close enough that he could walk there in his beat up (not to mention hungry/thirsty) state without stopping anywhere else also seems pretty weak.


"twice his age" hahaha she wasn't 90 ffs! He could know her address from dropping her home after work once. They were supposed to be close with him sharing all his woes with her. It was still silly that he went there straight away, that's true!


So is this one of those British style shows where only the first and last episode matter?



No, not at all.


I thought the same thing. I thought it was going to be the case that after escaping, he thought “I’m nowhere near home, but the whole world hates me, I need to choose my next step carefully. There are only a few people I trust, I need to go to one of them for help. Hey, I’m close to Dawn’s, I’ll go see her.” At which point Dawn and her husband realized they had a golden opportunity to cover up their involvement by killing him.

So yeah when it turned out that he did know it was her, and had gone there to confront her, I thought “yeah that was a bad choice.”


That's what I thought too, and agree it would have been a better choice!


Yeah, that move made no sense. I'll get him off the hook by saying he had to pass Dawn's house on the way to his own?
Hell if I know.


In my opinion though that would only make sense if he didn't realize she was behind all of it. Going there first for revenge doesn't make sense even if its on the way home.
