Black boy

Did the little cartoon black boy who was in the Spiderman that won an Oscar zap into the movie like Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield or was he not considered a real Spiderman because he was a cartoon and a black?


No, this wasn't the right movie to introduce Miles Morales. There was a kind of reference to him though, there is a scene where Electro was talking to Andeew Garfield's Spider-man, where Electro says he thought Spider-man would be black, because he came from Queens and helped poor people. He says "there must be a black Spider-man out there somewhere".


I can't believe they excluded the little cartoon black boy. It's shameful and racist.


Still sounds like you are 12 years old.


Naw, he's just a troll. Maybe a 12 year old troll, but that qualifier still comes first.


Stop sulking. You just don't like me because I denounce your beloved comic book movies as trash.






Can the little cartoon black boy come back in another movie? Can he be brought in as the new Black Panther?


I hope 1970 isn’t your birth year Imagine being in you 50s upset about fictional characters


I did not like the racism of not letting the black spiderman in the new spiderman even though they brought back the two white spidermens.


What white spiderman? You havent seen this film so how do you know theres 2 white spiderman?


Tobey maguire, andrew garfield


I hope so




I have a feeling they're going to address this when they move on from Tom Holland. Miles Morales must be a certainty to be the next Spider-Man.


To me there is only one Spider-Man. The others do not count.


The little black boy?


What little black boy?


The little cartoon black boy in the only Spiderman to get an Oscar. He should have been in the new Spiderman along with other former spidermen andrew garfield and tobey maguire. They wouldnt let him in the movie coz he's black and a cartoon.


You dont watch or read comics so how do you know about black spiderman? How did you know about a cartoon ?


But the only real Spider-Man is white. Peter Parker. Everyone knows that. Some cartoon variation on the character is just that. It's not legit at all.


There is no real Spider-Man. Superheroes aren't real

Peter Parker has always been black. He's just light-skinned like that guy from Prison Break


But superheroes are real to the fans in a way. We grow to love these characters. That's not unusual. How many people love Sherlock Holmes? Spider-Man is no different. He is a much beloved character. Sometimes these characters can inspire us, even if they aren't 'real'. I remember a guy who used Spock as a motivation to get through physics.
Look at Black Panther. Wakanda is real! LOL And he is nowhere near as good as the great superheroes.
Spider-Man is Peter Parker. White kid who got bit by a radioactive spider. He had an Uncle Ben and an Aunt Mae. Both were white.
But none of this stops anyone from creating black superheroes. I wish they did. Instead of stealing from others all the time.


Liking something doesn't make it real

Peter Parker is half black, half jewish. Uncle Ben and Aunt May are his uncles, not his parents. His mom is Jewish, and her sister is Aunt May. His dad is black as charcoal


The 'liking' is very real. And people do get attached to these characters.


Hes talking about miles moreles , weird that he knows stuff like this


Yeah, that's reaching for sure.


Dont worry about metatron , hes all mine, hows your son metatron? He only sees his son 3 days a week i believe?


The white incel geeks don't count this as a real Spiderman movie because he's a black and a cartoon.


They was prejudice against him coz he was a cartoon black boy
