MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) Discussion > The review embargo drops today. Predict ...

The review embargo drops today. Predict the metascore.


"Spider-Man: Kitchen Sink" Honestly, they're just randomly throwing everything but Hulk into this.


Isn't it just Doctor Strange and Spider-Man?


Seems like it. It feels like Marvel just hits the Randomizer on the screenwriting machine and see what comes out.


Red Carpet premiere: December 13, 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Theater downloads unlocked Monday also. Leaks on Reddit, as usual!


I never bother with Theater D/Ls with 4K televisions and quality downloading a cam is ridiculous now.


No, theaters download films by satellite. Small ones get hard drives by UPS. Same encryption.


The review embargo specifically lifts at "10:30 pm PST on Monday, December 13. This embargo should line up perfectly with the end of the film's world premiere."

While I have zero intention of sitting through this thing, I am curious to see what critics think of it.


I predict around about the low 60s as a worst case scenario, mid 70s best case for the metascore. I can see Spider-Man fans like myself loving the fan service but critics might be less kind. This one looks like the most "Superhero" of the three films where it's going for Avengers level stakes rather than the previous two which were essentially teen-comedy-drama films wrapped up as superhero movies (which worked really well for establishing Spider-Man in the MCU.)

For me I'm really glad they've gone big with this film, it knows what it wants to be and looks like it'll deliver on that. It should hopefully have some great action sequences and emotional weight and I'm sure the performances will be great, particularly of Alfred Molina and Willem Dafoe reprising their roles.

I'm seeing it on Wednesday and I'm really looking forward to it.


100% on RT right now with 25 reviews as of now.


A couple tout it as the best MCU film to date, which is high praise. I hope they're right!


47 reviews now. Still at 100%. Dang this might be the best reviewed superhero film ever.


What superhero film is currently the best-rated?


The Dark Knight followed by Avengers Endgame which both have a 94%.


always good to look at the avg critic rating.

average rating is 8.1.
but from top critics it's 7.4.

metacritic rating is 71%.

very good numbers, but a bit below endgame's numbers, which ended up with a 78% on metacritic.


They gave Infinity War 68% though. They are reactionary sheep. Infinity War was objectively the better movie of the two, but after the universal praise that Infinity War got by virtually everyone outisde of critic snob circles, they upped their ratings for second part.


i strongly disagree that infinity war was better!

i like it a lot, but i definitely think it suffered from being over-stuffed with too many people, too many moving parts.

endgame really benefitted from having a trimmed down cast for most of its running time and for having a leaner plot, even though it was much longer of course.

i think the higher rating to endgame is much deserved.


You can disagree, but Infinity War has a userscore of 8.6 on Metacritic, Endgame has 7..8.


that's interesting & very surprising to me, i have to admit.

on letterboxd, it's much closer, but even there, iw has a 3.96, while endgame has a 3.91. i would not have guessed that.


I'm guessing metascore about 80 ...

But only 71 from 18 critics. Sure to change by afternoon.


it will probably stay between 60-75 after 50+ reviews.


73 from 22.


Currently in the 70s.
