MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) Discussion > My prayer for Spiderman: No Way Home

My prayer for Spiderman: No Way Home

Dear LORD,
We have surfeited ourselves on these awful superhero movies. They have become the dominant presence in American films. They are rotting the minds of our youth and we are guilty of spreading this contagion throughout the world. For the sake of film art, we humbly pray that through your mighty hand, Spiderman: No Way Home and all these other garbage movies will begin to bomb at the box office bigtime.

For this mercy, we offer up our praise and thanks. Amen Hallelujah!


i'm not sure your prayer will be completely answered.

but i suspect there may be a recalibration of these films. not that i think they're going away. that's vanishingly unlikely. and i wouldn't want them to. i think they have been and mostly remain reliable fun.

but there's no chinese release date for no way home as of this time, and shang-chi didn't get one. it seems unlikely either will get one.

with china out of the equation, i strongly suspect the roi for these films is going to look quite a bit different, and that may push them to a more modest budget. maybe. i have no special knowledge on such things. but if china is going to refuse releases to these films, it has to have an impact.


Why would China not allow this Spiderman film to play? In Shang-chi, I believe it had something to do with the way Chinese were depicted in that film


well, we can't say for certain, because china just doesn't tell us. but it almost certainly has as much to do with us/china diplomatic tensions as it does with shang-chi's depictions.

as of right now, no way home does not have a release scheduled, & eternals hasn't received one either (forgot to mention that above - speaks to how memorable that film is, i guess!).

china at this point has cut down on us/hollywood releases (see article below).

if that's just some temporary sword rattling, and things resume as they were in a year or two, then maybe nothing changes.

but if china is off the table for these films permanently, then that may change the strategy for these big films that play across all these nations. maybe.

wouldn't be a bad thing necessarily. it might result in large movies that perhaps aren't quite so formulaic, though that's probably just fantastical thinking on my part.

& i say that as a guy who generally loves the mcu and has no way home tickets for next friday.


May it bomb so that cinema might live.


China only admits a couple of dozen Hollywood films each year anyway. No film producer can be assured of getting their film picked up there unless they have a Chinese partner. If China should become more restrictive, the studios will just recalibrate their budgets.

The silver lining for the test of the world would be that the Hollywood studios no longer feel obliged to kowtow to the CCP or add extraneous Chinese characters, subplots and product placements to their movies.


Nah, it's definitely a thing specifically targeted at Marvel. Black Widow had the "little girls are a resource that the world has too much of" theme which was probably prickly for China because of the one child policy they had, Simu Liu and Chloe Zhao both said things that the China government didn't like. Not releasing Spider-man and Venom made no sense.

All of these movies got a China release:
No Time to Die
A Quiet Place Part II
Free Guy
Jungle Cruise
Godzilla versus Kong

Those are all of the top movies at the US box office that are not Marvel films, except for Ghostbusters:Afterlife. By the end of the year 5 of the top 6 movies will be Marvel movies, and not a single one got a China release, but every single other one of those films did. It's not a Hollywood thing, it's a Marvel thing.


you're absolutely right about liu & zhao. i think zhao's comments in particular were major triggers for the chinese gov't. that detail completely fell out of my head. thanks for reminding me.




Why are you bothered so much? Theres loads of films to watch , theres only a few superhero movies released in a year, so why does it upset u?


Already the fanboys are grumbling that CGI orgy "Spiderman: No Way Homo" isn't the masterpiece they expected. The comic book fanatics would be wiser to buy a ticket to Spielberg's West Side Story instead.


Ffs shill alert people, what are u 10? Enjoy


Lord: I got other things to deal with.


You should be on your knees praying, brother, for the destruction of all these trash superhero movies.


Sorry but no.


Frankly you should care more and pray more about the way worse problems in the world. Like people who have lost loved ones, people who are in the hospitals, people in other countries being persecuted because the rulers of the nation hate God/Jesus, people who are starving, people who are angry, people who are committing crimes, and all the other terrible things going on.

Frankly I have believed in God/Jesus my whole life and never prayed to them over a movie. That's ridiculous!


Superhero movies are a far greater abomination in God's sight, my friend.


You are really from far God. Movies aren't really of God. Movies are an earthly thing. The Apostle Paul wrote that we should focus on Heavenly things and not focus on Earthly things. We may like to watch them while we are alive here on Earth but don't be acting like they are going to be in heaven when we die. And there are worse things God would want us to care about more.


You need to get a sense of humor and stop preaching so much as that's a turnoff to people. I meant my original post tongue-in-cheek. That doesn't mean there isn't a serious and valid charge that I am trying to make about superhero movies, which I truly do view as garbage movies with no artistic or cultural value.


My prayer is that when you're on your death bed knowing superhero movies are still going strong and thriving on the big screen you'll be fuming with rage then keel over and die, cause let's face it you seem to be the only one here that hates superhero movies with such passion, you're in a very, very small minority...and minorities never come out on top. God willing my prayer is the one He answers.

Have fun watching superhero movies continue to dominate the box office for decades to come 😂😆!


I'm sure people once thought the Western would be popular forever. Sorry, Lady Leopard, but I am afraid it is going to be you who will be fuming, hopefully long before your deathbed, when you see audiences turn on these garbage superhero movies overnight. It is inevitable. Deal with it.


Your enormous ButtHurt guarantees an OW of $200m. You should pray that Seth Rogen gets cancelled instead.


Dear LORD,

Please have Kirk Cameron break down outside Metatron’s house for Christmas and end up stranded there with him for two weeks in a freak blizzard.

