MovieChat Forums > Halloween Ends (2022) Discussion > The only nudity in this 'trilogy' was th...

The only nudity in this 'trilogy' was the flashback shot from Halloween (1978).



They shud at least show slutty nurse nekkid boobies


You want nudity so bad, there is this thing that was invented in the 90's called Google. Plus Google Images. Just go look up stuff there before watching the movie if you want to see T&A so badly. Oh and guess what? It's available 24/7.


I agree here, we can't even get a decent horror flick out of this mess, and the dudes are crying for boobies as per usual lol.


Boobies would have helped this film a lot! It's a fact that movies with nudity are better.

As things stand the only things going for Halloween Ends are the OST, the production values (nothing special but superior to typical slasher efforts) and I guess some of the actors did the best with what they got given.

Everything else needs flushed.

The nurse and Lauries granddaughter flashing the goods would have made this film maybe a 2/10 as opposed to the 0/10 that it currently is.


Boobies would have maybe helped you but how will that help me enjoy the film? Also, is it only female nudity that improves a movie? You could just look at tits on your phone while this movie played and then it would have at least been decently explicit and probably a better plot. Needing a breast flash seems more like something a teenager without internet access would crave in today's time.


I care about my enjoyment of the film over yours (with all due respect). As long as I like it I'm a happy camper. So they could have threw me and others like me a bone. At least then the film would have had something going for it for some parties.

The Halloween franchise has had nudity in several entries, it's a slasher (and horror as a whole) tradition. It's a shame it's waning.

Of course it's only female nudity that improves a film, for me anyway.

Nudity helps the entertainment value of a film. Gives you a little boost, a temporary high when proceedings are dragging on. You're sitting there like zzzzzz, then bam out come the goods and you're glued to the screen. Films with frequent nudity are more entertaining and more rewatchable.

A scary scene, an action packed scene, a funny scene...a nude scene. They're all stimulants and integral to the quality of a film. You need scenes like this to save from a flat experience.


I want to see nudity but I don't think I have google. What channel is it on


"Just go look up stuff there before watching the movie if you want to see T&A so badly. Oh and guess what? It's available 24/7."

^You SJWs want diversity in movies, then just google pictures of diverse groups of people before you watch movies. See what I did there?


The director is a coward.


He does exude a timid vibe.

Too scared to ask Andi Matichak to even do a bra scene for fucks sake.


She looks like this...

And in three consecutive slasher movies they couldn't let us in on it?

The "female empowerment" shit took over in a big way in this trilogy. When they were making the 2018 movie, they were going to reshoot the ending of the first movie so Michael killed Loomis and Laurie shot him over the balcony because they "didn't want Laurie to have to be rescued by a man." But John Carpenter stepped in and told them "Why over-complicate things?" which was his way of saying "That's fuckin' stupid, guys." This is why Laurie has a room in her house that looks like the end of the 1978 movie... they already built that set and didn't want to waste it.

But Carpenter didn't have as much say in this one (nor did he really care) so Jamie Lee got to run roughshod over Michael because she mistakenly thinks she's "Halloween", not the Shape.


Jamie Lee needs to flash them saggers.


Jamie Lee needs to flash them saggers.
