MovieChat Forums > Midnight Mass (2021) Discussion > The dreadfully long monologues

The dreadfully long monologues

Thats my only gripe with this show, sometimes characters would just talk FOREVER, like the beginning of episode 2 the mayor talked forever to the sheriff on the beach, felt like 8 or 9 minutes straight.

And the scene between Riley and Erin where they talked about what happens when you die, that scene legit felt like 15 minutes straight of them going on and on.

And Erin's death scene my god she even had a 5 minute monologue while dying, the whole time i was thinking "Will you just fucking die already and shut up?"


A few of the monologues were interesting, but by the time I got to Erin's at the end, I had had enough. Wasn't in the mood and I fast-forwarded through it. Extremely sickening.


Some of the monologues were great, but her dying monologue was the worst thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life. I wished that I could die just to shut her up.


I have seen a lot of people complain about this but I never felt they were pointless or boring.


I think at least half of them are too long, but agreed. I never felt unengaged by this show despite my own criticisms of its length.


They wasn't pointless, they had a point to them yes, but they just go on too long.


Yea, Erin’s death scene was annoying and long. That being followed immediately with another song just made the end feel dragged out. The last few episodes were decent, but the monologues were a bit much. Otherwise, I think this was pretty good.

Edit: I took the weekend to go back over the series and I love it. I actually didn’t notice Erin’s final monologue was so long. I don’t know, I think I kinda like the focus. It’s strange, but I guess it grew on me. I just wanted to update this super old thread. Hehe


Huh, actually they are the best part, except the ones delivered by Kate Siegel, but she is boss' wife, so we have to tolerate her. It was very theatrical and such, but in the last episode they defecated over everything they did up to this point.


I think the monologues are the best part of the show.
