Pretty good

Pilots are always weaker than the quality a show reaches later on. And yet, this show was pretty good! I think it shows a lot of promise. The friend group is interesting and there is not much good dad representation on TV so that is something too.


sounds interesting.

Walton Goggins is very underrated.


Agreed! And this is a different kind of role for him.


I didn't know he could be kind of normal.


I'm really enjoying it so far. The pilot was good and I think the second episode was even better.


Agreed! It looks like a lovely show.


Strange show. It's presented like a sitcom, yet its written and made more like a romcom movie. Tonally I found that off putting, but I like it.


Walter Goggins (the actor playing the main character) said in an interview that he knows it is meant to be a comedy but he understands that the subject matter is full of pain and he wanted to show that part of the whole "dead wife/mother" experience as well.


If it is good, CBS will get rid of it. They got rid of Life in Pieces and that show was superior to everything else CBS has to offer. I won't invest in anything good that CBS has, just because good shows rarely last on CBS.


Well that is depressing. I was hoping this one would get picked up for more seasons.


I imagine it's hard for just about any show that doesn't have a tremendous amount of buzz to succeed these days. I almost never watch broadcast TV anymore and if something is a hit and starts getting reruns on some cable station I might end up watching it.


I never watch anything on network television. Nothing is worth investing the time.


Good show


Yeah, it's good. I didn't know it originated on CBS, because I'm watching it on Netflix. I hope there's more than one season.
