How woke is this?

It doesn’t look very woke, as it is a cowboy movie (the most masculine American film genre).

However, I notice that a lot of patriots here are complaining about this film’s supposed agenda. I have been fooled by SJW filmmakers before.


I was so excited to see a cowboy movie on Netflix that was getting nominated for all these Oscars BUT it's another gay cowboy movie like Brokeback mountain. There is a tough cowboy who is actually a closeted homosexual. I guess that's why a Brit like Cumberbatch played the cowboy since no straight American male would play a homosexual cowboy. I grew up watching cowboy movies and liberal Hollywood wants to tear down the great American adventurer.

Netflix did have a black cowboy film and they glorified them. There were actually a lot of black cowboys so it's cool that some of them get some glory on the big screen. Netflix has made a commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion so gay cowboy movies are one way of meeting their quotas.


"The next time you have a thought, let it go."
.................................................................................................................. Ron White


That figures -


I guess that's why a Brit like Cumberbatch played the cowboy since no straight American male would play a homosexual cowboy

Jake Gyllenhal is a straight American male.


Good catch! Gyllenhal and his sister both grew up in Hollyweird so they would do anything for a role. I'm mainly referring to the sister's weird role in the Secretary movie.

Brokeback Mountain was back in 2005 so that was before Hollyweird embraced diversity, equity and inclusion. A gay white male lead was a rarity back in 2005 based on my crappy memory BUT it now seems to be more widespread. I still think that a straight white male will be reluctant to play the part of closeted homosexual in a traditionally masculine role NOW that the agenda of Hollyweird has been revealed. When I say agenda, I am mainly referring to the diversity, equity, inclusion philosophy that is captured in the criteria for Best Picture in the link below.


Eloquently put.


As woke as it gets Guy.


He dies at the end anyway lol


There seems to be a lot of definitions of ‘woke’ and the term seems to raise a lot of emotion from certain quarters…I usually avoid that stuff

I can tell you that it’s an excellent movie with a fine cast and some great drama, it makes you think and the finale is a bit of a shocker

My expectation was a simple Western with actors I enjoy but I did not get that…What I got was a damn good movie anyway


Thank you for your honest response. I enjoy damn good Westerns.

Who plays Benedict Cumberbatch’s girlfriend in this film? Also, how many Apaches do the cowboys kill?




Phil's love has long been dead in this story.
He is single atm.
Apaches were not in this territory, but Indians in general are discriminated against by Phil.




Is this all you do with your life? Ask the same question over and over again? You are a dickhead
