MovieChat Forums > Willow (2022) Discussion > Anyone else avoiding this?

Anyone else avoiding this?

Because last thing I'd want to do is have the image and awesomeness of the 80s film ruined by this garbage.


i am....i watched the trailer and it looks like everything wrong with movies/tv these days crammed into the Willow world,
and the low IMDB rating can't be ignored


I know what you mean. I loved the cast in the 80s film, and much as I'd like to see Elora Dannen grown-up, it's not worth seeing with the woke virus stuck into the show.


I never saw the original, so don't plan to see this. Not interested.


well you're missing out then, the movie is one of my favourite of all time, but this is going alright.


Not a huge fan of the movie but yeah this looks like 'modern' garbage and not something I will waste my time on.


No. For a few reasons:

- The original was fun, but not a masterpiece
- This one is flawed, but fun as well
- A bad follow-up doesn't "ruin" the original

reply long before you forget what was in the episodes?


Irrelevant. I can simply disregard it as canon if need be....


This? What is this?

What page am I on? Does this even exist???


In 1988, George Lucas decided to branch out from sci-fi and action into the fantasy genre, and he produced an awesome adventure film called "Willow." It was the story of a dwarf named Willow, who set out on a quest to save a baby princess from an evil sorcerer Queen, and he made friends along the way. Now the special-effects are a bit dated, and the love subplot between Mad Martigan and Sorsha was not well-written, but most of the story was pretty good, particularly the showdown between Willow and Queen Bavmorda. It was an original story with good character development, action, world-building, everything you could want in a fantasy film. ILM was even pioneering a form of CGI at the time called "morphing," which was used in several scenes in the film. It was quite a groundbreaking film and has a cult following to this day.

Disney+ (Disney's streaming service) recently released a tv series that was meant to be the follow-up story that takes place 20 years later, but based on what I've seen and hear so far, it looks horrible. CW-quality writing, keeping the strong male characters absent, Queen Sorsha is a joke, Elora Danaan (the baby princess from the first film) is reduced to a background role, all the men are wimps, the acting and dialogue are awful and borrowed from other films, and you've got a lesbian couple front and center in the film, who have no reason to save the wimpy prince one of them is supposed to marry, other than "it was in the script." It honestly doesn't look or sound like the world of Willow at all. Even worse, you don't see him until the very end of the first episode, and he sounds as if he's reading from a script instead of actually acting.

You basically aren't missing anything.


There were a lot of good qualities about Willow. It had very good special effects for the time, and sure they may be a little dated but they still hold up well, a strong (not annoying) female character (actually 4 if you think about it), little people represented in a positive light, good acting, good script, fun action sequences, and overall a unique fantasy story. "the love subplot between Mad Martigan and Sorsha was not well-written" I disagree, I actually think it was okay.

The only good thing about the new series was the casting of Elora was very well done, such a shame they aren't doing more with her character. Instead it revolves around Sorsha's stupid daughter. Literally so lame and stupid. Who cares about her? I had a feeling it would be bad but of course I didn't want it to be terrible.


Honestly, the best thing they could do was kill off Princess Kit, her lover, and the dumb shit with the big nose. That, and mercy kill the show.


Yes. Not like the plague necessary, but no more than giving it a few minutes. My mom (huge fan of the original) watched some and from what I saw, it looks pretty bad. I was skeptical but at least hoping it would be decent. I barely watched any of it and already the main character (of course they choose HER as the main character) is unbearable, like every word out of her mouth and the tone of her voice was annoying me.


No desire to watch it.
Life is too short.
