Episode 1

Did anyone else see it???

If so, what are your thoughts about it???

Could the girl who beats up the now dead girl and her boyfriend be the killers of the other missing girl???

It's great to see GUY again !!!

Hope he doesn't turn out to be the killer !!!


Roush Review: Everyone’s a Suspect in the Gritty ‘Mare of Easttown’


After the now dead girl was beaten by the other girl, then the daughter of Mare (the detective) who stops the beating asked the injured girl if she was alright.

But why didn't she also call the cops or at least call her mother when she should also realize how the now dead girl had been ASAULTED by the other girl (which is also a CRIME)???

And since the girl also never replied back to her saying she was alright and just wanders off, why didn't she also call for an ambulance as well???

Before suggesting that she was too young to think about doing anything thing like that also keep in mind how she also said she'd PLANNED the wedding of her father to her step mother.

So if she's capable of doing that, then you'd also think she could have called the cops to come arrest that girl who ASSAULTS the other girl. Or at least called her mother who's also a cop to ask her for advice.

Hopefully she'll also end up in trouble for not calling them the way she should have done. Because if she had, then the dead girl might also still be alive.


They're a bunch of teens drinking under a bridge; you think they're going to the police or calling an ambulance over a bloody nose? And if you watched their previous interaction, her mother is the last person she'd call.


That mean BULLY hit her much harder than to have just caused a BLOODY NOSE.

She Hits her several times (you can hear the PUNCHES), and she also pounds on her as if she was a professional boxer.

And what was it about the interaction with her mom that indicates she wouldn't call her mother???

What did you see that I'm missing???

As I recall, the only slightly derogatory thing that she said was how her mother always had to be the HERO.

So calling her would also have put her mother into that kind of a heroic position where her daughter thinks she likes to be.

And her mother also insisted that she get the application (or whatever it was) in on time, which also didn't indicate that she and her mother have a bad relationship with one another. Because her mother also told her she'd thank her when she was 35, had a good job, and wasn't in the same kind of dead in financial position as her parents.

But this kind of an interaction with her mother doesn't really indicate the reason why calling her mom would be the last person that she'd call.

I'm also thinking the mother might refuse to see the writer anymore, then he might also start seeing her daughter without knowing that she's the daughter of the woman he picked up in the bar.

Then the mother might also show up at his place again with that book in her hand hoping to discuss it with him, only to discover that he's also had an affair with her daughter.


She rejects her mother's position across the board. She didn't tell her mother about the engagement b/c she's on team daddy post divorce. She doesn't want her mother's input regarding the applications. It's obvious she doesn't think she needs her mother for anything. She's the local savior and hero to everyone but her. So you didn't miss anything except how people at that young age think. Her mother is one big eye-roll for a teen girl. You don't run to her b/c one girl hit another over a boy at a party. She tried to handle it herself since she's more like her mother than she realizes. Again, typical for someone that age.


If she's on TEAM DADDY, then why does she live with her mother instead of with him??? And isn't it also normal not to want to be reminded by a parent to do something you need to do??? And normal to think that you don't need a parent at that age (even though you still do)???

And the BOY that they were fighting over is also the FATHER of the dead girl's ONE YEAR OLD child, yet he also stands there and does NOTHING to defend her while the other one is BEATING her senseless???

PLUS it also looks like the BULLY who was doing the BEATING was pregnant as well. So she'll most likely get DUMPED the same way as the DEAD GIRL was, and find herself being BEATEN UP by some other BULLY by this time next year when she'll probably also have a ONE YEAR child.

But since we also see her having no interest in helping to take care of his other child, she'll probably also put her child up for adoption (unless this boy is also RICH or comes from a RICH FAMILY -- in which case she'd probably also SUE him for child support -- until he can find some other girl to knock up and beat her up -- the same way as he got this other BULLY to torment the now dead girl).

Also wonder how old she was, because did you also see that PINK BIKE that she was riding??? That seems to indicate she got it when she was probably only about 8 to 10 yrs old, which may also mean she's was only about age 12 or 13 at the time of her death.

And that means she might also have only been in grade 8, whereas that other girl might be a senior. So IF someone who was age 18 attacked a 12 or 13 yr old, imo, that should also be reason enough to have called the cops.


We don't know how the divorce/custody went down, other than it happened years prior. It's not typical for the child to be able to choose which parent to live with. It's obvious that she spends a lot of time with her father, and her demeanor changed instantly when in his presence. Her personality is like her mother's, but she clearly sees herself as daddy's girl. Again, not uncommon.

And yes, it is normal to think you don't need your parents. It's also normal to avoid authorities when you're a bunch of teens drinking under a bridge and the scuffle happens off to the side. You're acting like the girl pulled out a gun and shot the other. When you're that age you think in terms of fights without thinking of legal terms like assault. Her reaction of trying to stop it and asking if she's alright is the normal response for that context -- i.e., their age and situation -- rather than ambulances and detectives for a bloody nose on a girl who walks away under her own power.


You definitely bring up some good points about how UNDERAGED TEENS DRINKING when they shouldn't be would be a good reason not to call the cops.

But IF the dead girl was still only 12 or 13 and she was BULLIED and BEATEN by an 18 yr old (who would also legally be an adult), then that would also make the situation a very different one.

And that PINK BIKE she was riding (that looks like something a VERY YOUNG GIRL would ride), also seems to indicate the dead girl probably wasn't even in HIGH SCHOOL yet.

So that's also why I'm still hoping the daughter is going to at least get a tongue lashing from her mother for not calling her or the other cops.

Because no one should let an 18 yr old BEAT up on a 12 or 13 yr old child. Especially if they are also the father of her child.


The actress playing the dead girl (Erin) was 22 when filming started, and nothing in her looks or demeanor suggested she might be 12 or 13. To me she looks 17 or 18. And the only reason you say she might be 12 or 13 is because of her pink bike? I've seen women in their thirties riding pink girl's bikes.

Maybe take another look.


She only rode a bike b/c her father wouldn't let her take his truck this time (the rear was dented from the last time). They don't have much money, so I'd assume your old bike is your only bike.


The actress who played the part of a serial killing 13 yr old in HBO's "SHARP OBJECTS" was also 19 or 20. So that doesn't indicate how old the character she plays is suppose to be.

But what made me suspect she was so young was the way that they FOCUSED on that bike as if they wanted to call your attention to it for some reason. And the way that it looked like a kids bike is what made me suspect that she was still a very young girl.

But what the other poster says about her not being allowed to drive that night due to a previous fender bender also indicates she wasn't still in the age 12 to 13 range.

So apparently there goes that theory down the drain.

Also wish it was Sunday instead of Wednesday so we didn't need to wait another 4 days to see the next episode of it.

This review also indicates something happens at the end of Ep. 2:


As the twists and turns of the cases are revealed, it becomes a show greater than the sum of its already considerable parts. By the time you get to the revelation at the end of the second episode, you become less stunned by the news itself than you are by the computation of what it will mean for all involved. Everything and everyone is real and you care about every tiny part. Wonderful.

So wonder what this REVELATION is going to be???

Could it have something to do with the way that we saw the character in bed with MARE's daughter rejecting her embrace???

Could that rejection also have had something to do with Mare's daughter having had an affair with the dead girl??? Because maybe the girl was upset with Mare's daughter for the attempt that she made to help her after she was beaten up???

So maybe the jealous lover of MARE's daughter also BEATS the poor girl again after the other one had already BEATEN her???


They focus attention on the bike b/c they are probably going to find that bike somewhere other than where she left it.


Maybe. But that would also be the same thing that happened in "SHARP OBJECTS" when they also found the bike of the other dead girl in the pond by the pig farm.

So one also wonders why they'd have the same kind of thing happening again in another show.

I suppose it will also turn out that whoever killed her (or maybe someone else) needed some transportation to get back to town again???

So that might also turn out to be a RED HERRING (if they manage to find some DNA on it and then locate whoever used the bike for that reason)???

But then maybe the RED HERRING situation could also turn out later on to actually lead them to the KILLER (which may also be the jealous girlfriend of Mare's daughter -- who we also saw rejecting the embrace that she's offered while in bed with her)???

So after Mare's daughter tries to help the battered dead girl, maybe her girlfriend got jealous, battered the dead girl some more, and then used the bike to get back to town again (after they had an argument and Mare's daughter left her there at the murder site with no transportation)?

Does Anyone else have any other "WHO DONE IT" theories yet???

And if the girls teeth are missing, then that other girl from "SHARP OBJECTS" will also become a murder suspect in this story as well.



Are you watching it? Would you recommend? Seeing if I should add this to the watch queue.


The setup is very on-the-nose for a whodunit, with every cliché and trope applied liberally. I think it's the type of show that will rely on performances more than story.


Most of The REVIEWS I've read say they've released 5 of the 7 episodes to journalists, who also say that they're EXTREMELY IMPRESSED with what they've seen.

In other words, they also say they like the way that it's been written.

One REVIEW also compared it to "THE TOP of the LAKE," which was also another EXCELLENT story about the abuse of a pregnant teenage girl.


And those other reviews said what I did. I said I think since I can't know before I actually watch it, but the setup was paint by numbers without a shred of new and interesting.


Ok. We must have read different reviews then, because the one's that I've read liked both the acting and the writing.


I know all about the positive reviews. That's why I posted the RT score/ave and link in another thread here. But when I watch an episode, and it matches the negative things some say about it, I start to believe those reviews more.


Oh ok. I don't check RT scores. I just do a search for REVIEWS of this show and then read whatever pops up and looks like it has an interesting title.

I'm also thinking maybe the real reason why the writer is there because he wants to write a story about the missing girl.

So that may also mean it wasn't an accident that he meets MARE there in that bar. Because he may also want to pump her for info for his next book.


RT has links to all those reviews in one spot. That's why I posted it for anyone interested beyond the score.


Since I've never used RT before, the place is pretty much a mystery to me and I don't really comprehend how it works.

Using the search area has always worked out well, because lots of interesting REVIEWS pop up (that are also full of ideas that can help to increase one's enjoyment of watching a show).

So Why do you think the mother and the daughter (and grandson) chose to go celebrate the marriage of the former hubby instead of going to the other celebration for MARE???

How would you feel if your entire family went to an engagement party for your X husband instead of being there at a celebration to honor you???

Perhaps having sex with the writer was also a passive aggressive way to get back at her mom who was also waiting up for her to come home at 3:30am???



My guess is the rift stems from the son who I assume is dead.


Good guess. And the grandson also lives with MARE as well.

Have we seen the grandfather interacting with him yet???

Why didn't he put the house together for the turtle instead of the daughter doing it???

Or why didn't he pick it up from the store instead of MARE who was working?

And didn't he also call her when she was trying to eat some FAST FOOD in the car???

The impression one gets is he probably wasn't a very supportive hubby or someone who helped out very much.

On the other hand, the way that MARE gave the other woman with CANCER a long list of things that she'd done for her one also gets the impression Mare probably also wasn't a very supportive wife either.


I definitely recommend it. Kate and Guy are professionals and it shows. And the character who is her mom is also played by still another well known actress. And those characters that we don't know are also doing a great acting job as well.

Did you see that other story where the 13 yr old turns out to be the killer who murders other young girls so she could use their teeth for the bathroom floor of her doll house???


This story kind of reminds me of that one due to the way you can sense something CREEPY is going on in this town. And it also reminds me of 3 BILLBOARDS a bit (due to the way that we've got another mother who's pissed that the cops have no leads on the case of her daughter who's been missing for over a year).

So by all means do ADD IT and WATCH IT and then also let us know what you think about it.


Yes. Powerful, powerful stuff.


Yes, the story and the characters are intriguing. Guy Pearce and Kate Winslet together again (Mildred Pierce). I just finished Beartown which had the same vibe - small, sports obsessed town, teen drama. I can’t quite get Kate’s Mare character yet. Kind of a salty, jaded middle aged detective with a lot personal drama swirling around her.

My only tiny criticism is that the victim was so obvious. The pathos of her struggles as a teen Mom, the abusive father, the vicious bullying, the lingering shot of her pink bicycle. My money is on the drunken father as the killer. He complains about paying for his grandson’s formula and diapers? That’s cold.


Good catch about how he complains about paying for the formula and diapers Who!!!

And I'd also forgotten about how Guy Pearce was also in MILDRED PIERCE as well.

I'm also thinking Mare might be bitter because after the town made such a BIG DEAL about that shot 25 yrs ago that may have also put all kinds of DREAMS of GLORY in her mind that never came true???

Hence the reason why she says the shot was not such a big deal elsewhere, and was only a big deal there in that small town???

So perhaps she also had dreams of getting some kind of a sports scholarship or something only to be told that what she'd done was no big deal???


She is also intent on getting her own daughter out of that town by sending her to a private school and nagging her about her college application deadline. She has no love for her hometown, expressing pity for Pearce’s character for moving to such a place. The town from Mare’s perspective is full of broken families, poverty, addiction, violence, and death. However just next door her ex is celebrating with his jubilant fiancee. The crowd at the high school are also full of high spirits. So the town can’t be all that bad, for some of its residents at least.


Yes she made it clear that she feels disappointment with how her life turned out for her and wants something better for her daughter. And I'm also thinking maybe Guy's character wants to write another book about the other girl who's been missing for a year. And that could also mean he may have deliberately gone to that bar to MEET MARE (because as the STAR LADYHAWK she'd also be there for that 25th celebration).

And if he also ends up writing a best selling or another award winning book about MARE and her life, then her daughter probably also won't be able to escape from the town no matter what she does or where she goes???

And it's also weird that her X would want to live right next door to her or how EVERYONE (including him, her mother and her own daughter) hides from her how he's getting married again. And then they also go to HIS PLACE to CELEBRATE that instead of going to the other CELEBRATION for MARE.

How would you feel if your MOM and daughter chose to go celebrate the engagement party of your former husband instead of being there for you the night you were having a celebration to honor you??? And why couldn't the former hubby or the daughter who helped plan the party also have chosen another different night to have it???

I suppose we'll also figure out the answer to that question as the story continues to UNFOLD???



Lol, that's exactly what I am thinking - hope Guy Pearce's character doesn't turn out to be the killer. Mare's life is so joyless as it is, if the new lover struck up a conversation with her only to have an alibi, that would be just too dark!


Yes it would definitely be DARK if the guy (Guy's character) that she picks up in the bar turns out to be the killer that she's hunting for.

But he's also almost "too good to be true" as well with the way that he tells her how BEAUTIFUL she is, and doesn't care that she's a grandmother, and then also asks to see her again before she tells him it's a "one time thing" and then says that she'd call him.

So she's also behaving as if she a male (who was only looking for a one night stand), and he's behaving more like a female (who is looking for a relationship or for more than that), which is also why it's as if he's "too perfect" by saying all of the right things that one usually wouldn't hear from someone that you'd just met and picked up in a bar.

My bet is this squeaky clean "way too good to be true" Knight in SHINING ARMOR character that she's met will most likely also have a DARKER side (or is going to do something or be up to something no good before the end of this story).


and doesn't care that she's a grandmother

Well, I mean, at his age can he really afford to care about such things?

Hope it's not him, but we'll see.


Do guys "his age" ever really see themselves the same way as others do???

I knew a 60 yr old who was infatuated with a 20 yr old and he'd also brag about how he didn't look his age.

So from the point of view of this writer he may also still consider himself to be more appealing than others who are younger may see him???

Perhaps we might also see him flirting with some of the other young students that he teaches the writing courses to???

Reviews of the show also say that we're going to get RED HERRINGS thrown at us. And maybe he'll also be one of them???
