MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > THERE GOES THE DCEU [JL opens only at 96...

THERE GOES THE DCEU [JL opens only at 96 million]

"Justice League Encounters Kryptonite at B.O. with 96 million+ opening: Why the DCEU movie weakened."




It didn't open in as many theaters as projected.


it opened to twice as much as Thor Ragnarok.


The updated numbers just came out!



sad isn't it?


Now watch, an 80% drop in its second weekend coming up ;)


I have to be honest. I expected them to reach the 1 billion mark. I mean... they had to. It's the Justice League.



thor fail part 4


Failure = Justice League costing 320 mil and getting = Worldwide: $286,350,550

Success = Thor Ragnarok costing 180 mil and getting = Worldwide: $741,659,705


Success = 3 days - Justice League costing 320 mil and getting = Worldwide: $286,350,550

Failure = 19 days - Thor Ragnarok costing 180 mil and getting = Worldwide: $741,659,705


in 3 days Thor made a lot more money than Justice, dude. And it opened to less markets as well.

No matter how you see it, JL is in the gutter.


Thats because Thor was released in more US markets.


Stop spreading lies that's not true at all. Just prove it if you can. Why on a heaven do we get stuck with the most stupid fans of crappy DC in this board?


JL - In the United States and Canada, industry tracking initially had the film debuting to $110–120 million from 4,051 theaters (including 400 IMAX screens)

Thor - The film was released in the United States and Canada on November 3,[58] in 4,080 theaters, of which over 3,400 were 3D, 381 were IMAX and IMAX 3D, and 204 were D-Box

Thor was released in 29 more theaters. Theres your facts.


Blah blah blah posting stupid things and lies as always


Thats from Wiki. The Internet is your friend.


JL is over $350m in just 5 days!


= Worldwide: $481,346,643

10 days!


haha pwnage


Some actors don't even get jobs offered by Hollywood anymore,


Thor opened to LESS markets dude.


He already knows, he's just playing dumb, meaning he's just being himself


I know haha


JL - In the United States and Canada, industry tracking initially had the film debuting to $110–120 million from 4,051 theaters (including 400 IMAX screens)

Thor - The film was released in the United States and Canada on November 3,[58] in 4,080 theaters, of which over 3,400 were 3D, 381 were IMAX and IMAX 3D, and 204 were D-Box

Thor was released in 29 more theaters. Theres your facts.


now do that to the entire world and come back with an answer


Since Thor was released in more theaters in states it would stand to reason that it was released in more theaters in the entire world. Unfortunately there are no stats for that kind of information.


It doesn't stand to reason in the slightest, given that nor the USA nor the Canada market, even if combined, are the representation of the entire world market.


Exactly my point, no one knows anything about the entire world market. Not even the great and powerful twiggy.


You already know you said overseas markets. Dude you really enjoy being Called an imbecile, Sony hoy? because that's what it sounds like...


Since Thor was released in more theaters in states it would stand to reason that it was released in more theaters in the entire world. Unfortunately there are no stats for that kind of information.

And I said US markets not overseas markets, big difference there. There is no website that will tell you all the overseas theaters a movie was released in.


Ha ha you changed it little coward, but I have a screen capture. Good luck with your lies.


Some people just don't like facts.


another one pwned


poor guy got pwned


I thought $93 million was sad?


it is. And knowing that JL is going to not even break even, is even more sad...

... for the DCEU fans. I'm laughing my ass off.


It only needs 700m to break even.


good luck with that.


DC will reign supreme even into 2018.


Putting all shit aside, I very much doubt DCEU will even continue.

The Execs would have to be absolutely brain dead and clueless about making money [to a certain extent they indeed are] if they continue to take the DCEU the way it is going.

Reboot on the horizon? Perhaps, but even that is doubtful. The brand is already damaged [since BvS]. 1 ok movie out of 4 is not a good indicator of revenue. It would be like you having a restaurant serving only 1 good dish out of a 4 possibility, every time you open doors. I, for one, wouldn't want to eat there.


Where did you get that numer, Bubba? I just googled it, and two sources said it only made $94,000,00, the lowest opening weekend of all the DCEU movies.



Go to box office mojo, it was just updated last night.

= Worldwide: $278,842,239


Oh worldwide. That's a different animal.





You can't judge a movie just based on one market.


Dis be true, Mon!



Bubba would rather post worldwide total than just domestic because it's a bigger number.


Thor still needs to make 1.5 billion to break even according to the 2.5 multiplier rule.


Care to show that math?


The term "multiplier" describes how much a movie makes in total compared with how much it made in its opening weekend. The higher the multiplier, the better the "legs" a movie has. Higher multipliers strongly suggest that movies have strong word of mouth and potentially a high number of repeat viewings. In other words, the multiplier correlates with how much the public embraced a movie. For a standalone movie, the multiplier is less important to a studio than the total gross; for a movie that is not expected to have a sequel, the studio generally only cares about how much money the movie makes (although a low multiplier might hurt licensing and home video numbers). But for a franchise, the multiplier is critical because it indicates how much the movie is being received by the public and how much of a fan base it is establishing for future movies. Recent comic book movies with high multipliers include Deadpool (2.65 and counting), Ant Man (3.14), Dark Knight (3.38), Guardians of the Galaxy (3.53), and Batman Begins (4.24).
In contrast, the lowest comic book multipliers are, in order, X-Men Origins (2.11), 2003 Hulk (2.12), 2015 Fantastic Four (2.18), Green Lantern (2.19), Hellboy 2 (2.2), Amazing Spider Man 2 (2.21), and Spider Man 3 (2.22). The common thread in all of these movies is that each of these movies either killed the franchise and/or had to be rebooted with an entirely different cast. In fact, the lowest multiplier for a movie that had a direct sequel is Kick Ass (2.42). Note that Iron Man 3 (2.34) and Age of Ultron (2.40) have lower multipliers and are likely to have a sequel.
So where does BvS stack up? If projects hold up, it will end up with a total gross of between $325 and $340. That would between 1.95 and 2.05. BvS would have to gross $350 million to beat the multiplier of the movies with the 2nd lowest multiplier, X-Men Origins (2.11), which looks like it will now be impossible.


It is important to note that BvS has come in on the lowest end of expectations on every metric (e.g., hold percentages, daily grosses, weekday grosses, etc.). However, even at the lowest projected number, it looks like BvS is likely to beat the movie with the lowest multiplier, which is Watchmen at 1.95.
This is all to say that it would be very surprising, not to mention ill-advised, for DC/WB to go forward with the franchise without making significant adjustments. Every other studio has either scrapped a franchise or made significant changes to movies that had far higher multipliers than BvS. Also, people should be careful not to simply look at the total gross of a movie to gauge its success, particularly franchise movies. For instance, although BvS will have a similar gross to Guardians of the Galaxy and be in the ball park of Deadpool, the high multipliers for those movies indicate that fans crave sequels or are eager to watch similar movies. BvS's low multiplier suggest that people were curious to check out the movie and/or were lured in with the heavy marketing, but ultimately decided that the movie was not for them.


Every time I post facts and do research for you, you always disappear.


you didn't show the math yet. Cost of production + revenue. Go


If the total cost of producing 120 units is 2400 rupees and the total cost of producing 121 units is 2436 rupees, the marginal cost in this case will be equal to 36 rupees, (2436-2400).
The concepts of total cost, average cost and marginal cost can be understand easily from the following table:
In the above table, marginal cost of the second is found out by subtracting Rs. 60 from Rs. 80 (80 – 60 = 20). Marginal Costs of subsequent units are obtained in the same manner. The marginal cost is the addition made to the total cost at each step.
Relationship between Average Cost and Marginal Cost:
It should be noted that average and marginal cost are related to each other. It means when average cost curve falls, the marginal cost falls sharply. In the figure upto K point, but marginal cost falls more sharply. When average cost is minimum marginal cost intersect it at that point (at K). At K the average cost is minimum and marginal cost intersect it.
When average cost increases marginal cost increases more sharply. As is shown in the diagram. After K point the average cost rises but marginal cost rises more sharply. It is also clear that average cost is still falling. Whereas the marginal cost begins to rise.
In the above diagram, after point K, the average cost is still falling, but the marginal cost is rising. It means the increase in the total cost affects the average cost after being distributed among units of production. But in case of marginal cost, it shows an increase in only one unit, which can be shown by the above diagram.
Marginal cost reaches its lowest point sooner than the average cost at an unexpectedly smaller level of production. The above relationship between Average Cost and Marginal Cost can be explained with the help of a diagram. Read this diagram anti-clock-wise in the beginning when Average Cost is falling Marginal Cost lies below it. When AC is constant MC is also constant, when AC is rising MC rises above it.


This excep­tional situation can arise when the total cost is composed of fixed costs and variable costs in such a way that in the short period total fixed cost do not undergo any change and only a given variable cost is required to produce more and that too, at a constant rate as shown in the following table:
The above exceptions to the usual relationship between Average Cost and Marginal Cost of little significance. In the theory of value, we use only five relationships as discussed.
Significance of Average Cost and Marginal Cost in the Theory of Value:
Average Cost and Marginal Cost along with the Average and Marginal Revenue help the firm to achieve an equilibrium. Under the conditions of perfect Competition Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue coincide with each other and their curves are parallel to X-axis. Average Cost and Marginal Cost determines the level of output. Marginal Cost is helpful in determining the level of output whereas Average Cost determines the profits and losses of the firm.
In the long period, firm attain equilibrium where Average Cost = Marginal Cost = Average Revenue = Marginal Revenue. But in monopoly, the Average Revenue and Marginal Revenue Curves are downwards sloping curves. The output is determined where Marginal Cost is equal to Marginal Revenue but afterwards Marginal Cost must be rising. The profits and losses are calculated by the difference between Average Revenue and Average Cost. Thus, both Average Cost and Marginal Cost plays a vital role in determining the prices of the product.


you still haven't shown the actual math.

Cost of production + revenue = ?


Assume XYZ Inc. sells electronics products and offers services to repair electronic equipment. XYZ Inc. reported total revenue of $100 million, COGS of $15 million, and cost of services sold of $7 million. The company had direct labor costs of $5 million, marketing expenses of $1 million, and direct overhead costs of $3 million. Additionally, the company paid $10 million to its management and had rental costs of $8 million.

Therefore, the company had cost of revenue of $31 million for the fiscal period. The $10 million paid to its management and the rental costs of $8 million are indirect costs, which are not included in the cost of revenue. Since the company had total revenue of $100 million, XYZ Inc. has a cost of revenue margin of $69 million. Moreover, the company has a cost of revenue to total revenue percentage of 31%, or $31 million divided by $100 million.


you still haven't shown the actual math.

Cost of production + revenue = ?


Cost of production = Beginning inventory + revenue – Sales

50 = 75 + x – 200

50 – 75 + 200 = x

x = 175

This simple algebra problem shows that production should be 175 units.


so, how much does Thor need to make bank?


$450 million is the break even number, thats not including marketing, and other fees and residual deals.


So Thor is already making money.


Possibly, but we don't know what they spent on marketing etc.


No, the opening weekend was only $96,000,00, the lowest opening of all the DCEU movies according to two sources I



Justice League: Why the DC movie's $281.5 million opening weekend is being considered a disappointment.


Please stop posting new material on the Justice League page. Some of us get really offended seeing it trend. It flopped and there is nothing further that need be said on it. Fanboys, please move on.


"Some of us get really offended seeing it trend"

The triggering is real!


