MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Jon should have been dead long ago.

Jon should have been dead long ago.

Jon isn't even close to being the hero in this show. He lost the battle of the bastards and got saved by his sister. He screwed up the extraction of the white and had to get saved by Daenerys. She lost a dragon to help him! Then we have the battle of the walkers. Jon watched the night king for almost 10 seconds before he chases after him and then again when he should have shoved his sword in it! Loser! Not a hero. Dolt!


If it hadn't been for Jon no one would've taken the WW and the NK seriously dragons, no armies, no nothing...and everyone would still be at odds with one another except for the fact that now most of them would be dead.


Yes, yes Jon let everyone know the dead were coming. Daenerys lost her Dragon saving his but! Then he's an idiot and can't tell Cersei he can't make promises to her because she killed his father. He just says I can't serve two queens. What a moron. Your only honorable when most other are as well! Your an idiot when you are the only one doing what you think is right.


Yes, yes Jon let everyone know the dead were coming. Daenerys lost her Dragon saving his but! Then he's an idiot and can't tell Cersei he can't make promises to her because she killed his father. He just says I can't serve two queens. What a moron. Your only honorable when most other are as well! Your an idiot when you are the only one doing what you think is right.


He didn't just let them know the dead were coming..He gathered together people that never would've come together without him..There would've been no war with the dead without him..just slaughter of the entire continent..
Why do you even blame Jon for the dragon death..that's so illogical to me..all the dragons will likely die anyway..They're not invincible.
Blame Dany for putting them in vulnerable situations then..


I blame her for falling in love with an idiot!


Daenerys should have killed Cersei like the lady of high Garden said. She is a dragon not a sheep! Be a dragon. If she stopped listening to Tyrion, she wouldn't be worried about the Golden Company!


He WAS dead long ago! Remember?

And yeah, he's a dolt and has gotten almost everyone who followed him killed, but he's also almost entirely responsible for saving the North from the Others. His one gift seems to be leadership, he can get people to follow him, and he used that ability to get people to take the threat from the Others seriously, and damn that was a hard sell. I mean, what would you think if someone told you that an army of Bigfeet were coming to destroy your town? Would you prepare to fight? Of course you wouldn't!


His character is realistically flawed. Nobody in this show is a perfect hero. They all make mistakes or have negative characteristics. That makes them more interesting than the one dimensional heroes we usually see on TV.


Arya is as perfect as it gets. She is AWESOME.


She worked extremely hard to develop her fighting skill.


Yup. Some people think Jon should have killed the night King. All Jon did in the battle is look at the night king with star studded eyes before he went, oh yeah I should chance him now. He did it twice. He who hesitates has lost. I guess his daddy (Ned Stark) should have taught him that too.


Jon would've been killed by the Night King because his attempt would've been to open and obvious. Arya succeeded because she knew how to catch the NK by surprise.


He was. Like 3 seasons ago. Have you forgotten already?

He was resurrected because he was important and had unfinished business in Westeros which I guess was never fulfilled


Yah, he had to keep the dead dragon busy. Lol


Game of thrones in a nutshell was about all these people doing awful things to each other for more power or to hold their power, and 1 dude “Jon snow” running around screaming about how none of that matters. “It’s about the living vs the dead”. Jon snow (whom even came back from the dead for the purpose of defeating the NK) ends up doing nothing important at all in the final battle. But he did totally keep that dead dragon busy.
Ruins the rewatch ability of this series.


He tries to be the hero and does the right thing most of the time, but always seems to fall short. I like him; his heart is in the right place even though he always seems to fail, but he has the courage to do it which is inspiring. He has failed time and again, but continues to push forward making him one of the more interesting characters of the show.
