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Just started watching Season 1

Finally gave in over the weekend and starting binge watching. Through the 3rd episode. Pretty good so far, but not the earth shattering experience I was told to expect. I like the dwarf, he's very wise. I'm thinking the plot is ramping up at this point (the King's hand knows that one of the king's underlings tried to murder his wife and kid). I think the wall is pretty cool too, lots you can do with that.


This show is so good and so well written that spoilers don't even hinder it.


Done with seasons 1 ando 2. So far, very good stuff and look forward to watching 2 or even 3 episodes.a night. Here's what's good: the Imp is definitely the star
Every scene is interesting if he's in it. Grandpa lannister is a great villan. So is Joffrey, hes such a a brat because that's his character, plays it to perfection. Like the knight guy that helps dragon lady. Also like the feral chick that helps out the two stark kids. Although don't really know why she stuck around after being caught.

Heres the bad: too much sprawl. Can't even begin to remember the names of half the characters. The female warrior also seems to be any unnecessary character. Jon Snow doesn't know what to do with his life, but it's not my damn problem so stop taking up so much time in each episode. Red witch and lannis story line should have been cut out. Reduce the number of kingdoms from 7 to about 4 to make it easier to keep track of things. Also, what's going on with albino queen's eyebrows? She used to be pretty cute but she gets uglier each episode. It's like the opposite of the feral chick that getter hotter every episode.


Awesome analysis. I have heard from people who binge watch it that it's harder that way to keep track of the characters. Maybe because instead of thinking about each episode for a week, or a year, in some cases, you are just flying through. the good news for you is a ton of sprawling storyline information actually has been cut from the novels, so everything you are seeing in the show builds for a purpose. It's funny that Binge watching it presents the opposite problem that most die hards have been complaining about for years, not enough sprawl.


I sort of reminds me a bit of the Godfather movie(s). They were "only" three hours each, yet there were so many damn characters that it was hard to keep track of things. Had to watch those each about 5 times before I really understood everything.

One thing I didn't understand re: Carthage. Why was the vault belonging to the big Shaq character empty? I thought when they opened it someone said that it was empty. Wasn't he supposed to be really rich? I guess he still had some stuff because the dragon queen stole all of his stuff, but seems odd to have an empty vault. Guess it'll have some bones in it in about 6 months.


No one had ever actually seen inside the vault. They just assumed because it was huge with very thick doors that it was protecting something of great value, and gave him nice stuff in hopes he would one day repay their favors. It is part of the smoke and mirrors theme that includes the warlock and the slave masters. The slaves outnumber the masters, but cannot see they could easily rise up and free themselves. So Dany gains power by destroying the illusions.


Yeah, it'll make more sense when the storylines begin converging, soo just keep watching )))


Ok, update. Now finished viewing the first six seasons, and the first 2 episodes of season 7. Here are my thoughts.

1. Still love the Imp.
2. Liking Jaime Lannister more these days, seems like he's making personal changes for the better.
3. It's pretty obvious the Brianne and the red haired viking guy are going to hook up at some point.
4. Hodor makes complete sense now (obviously).
5. Didn't like how they killed the younger queen married to the second boy king (Rommen?). Thought her character should have made it out alive or something.
6. I thought wildfire couldn't be extinguished, yet it appears that Kings Landing is no longer on fire.
7. I was satisfied to see Cercie kills the high sparrow and his weirdo follows, then get hold of that really cruel nun and hand her over the Frankenstein guy for a few days.
8. I think Jaime L. and the Imp's friend/warrior guy might be gay together, not that there's anything wrong with that but HBO should have the guts to come out with it.
9. Glad to see Ramsey get eaten alive, I thought his character was somewhat unnecessary.
10. Seems like Melisandre was able to revive Jon Snow a little bit too easily. Didn't she have to sacrifice people to the get her Gods moving on these types of things?
11. Jon Snow's "honor before self" attitude is getting annoying. So is his pony tail.
12. Don't really understand the whole plot line with Bran, but I'm sure it'll resolve itself.
13. Why was the dragon palace left vacant after Stannis left? Seems like pretty nice property, someone could have used it or maybe it could have been leased to large group for company picnics or family reunion type events before someone decided to move in full time.
14. Daenaryis needs to make better decisions and quit threatening people that help her.
15. Why did they let Sam's girlfiend and her son into the College? Who is paying their room and board?
16. Its been 7 years and the White Walkers still haven't reach the wall. How far away is it?


Glad you like it...
#1-me too
#2-yeah Jaime starts out as an entitled/arrogant ass and really grows on you...
#3-yup hopefully (Tormund btw)
#8-haha (bronn) pretty sure not an item but whatever at this point!
#16-yeah they are taking their sweet ass time


1. Me too.
2. He's still an attempted murderer of an 8 year old boy. Don't ever forget that.
3. I assume you've watched all 6 episodes this year, and by using the term "hopefully" I assume they haven't hooked up. Thanks for the info.
8. If not him, then maybe Jaime and the Frankenstein guy.
16. I could swear that there were white walkers in the opening scene of the first episode. So basically its taken them more than six years to get to wherever they're going. Let's put this in perspective. They are presumably on a march to the wall (or at least somewhere on Earth). If they were to walk for 4 hours a day at 3 miles per hour, that would equate to 12 miles per day. 12 x 365 days = 4,380 miles per year, roughly the distance from Washington DC to Mexico City and then most of the way back (walking, not flying. It's 2470 miles over land and if you're dumb enough its possible). And that's a fairly leisurely pace for an army. They'd basically have the remaining 12 hours of the day to grab ass around, and 8 hours a day to sleep. Now, multiply that by 6 years and you get 26,280 miles. The earth's circumference is 24,874 miles. So basically this white walker army should, starting from Washington DC, have walked around the whole damn earth one time by now, and then walked to Mexico City just for the hell of it.


#2-certainly agree
He just seems to have...evolved or matured or smthg since he was injured...
#8-Gregor ('the mountain that rides') Clegane
And no way


16. They've been spending most of their time building an army by killing wildling camps north of the wall, and doing other miscellaneous things like taking babies, getting rid of the Children of the Forest and 3-eyed raven, waiting for the weather to turn. In episode 6 it looks like they got the final piece for the army and now intend to go south of the wall.


Could you please copy that and post it every time when somebody asks why the White Walkers needed so some time to reach the Wall?


Perhaps, but also consider this. They don't have to sleep so double their productivity, its been cold up there for at least 5 years (and who says they can't survive when its warmer?), who cares about the 3 eyed raven (what can he really do), killing wildings I guess adds to their army, but seriously, 7 years? Alexander the Great conquered most of the "known world" in about 8 years. You'd think this group could make it to a wall in 7.


»its been cold up there for at least 5 years«

It’s of interest to them how cold it is _south_ of the wall, because that’s the land they want to conquer.

»and who says they can't survive when its warmer?«

Nobody talked about survival. But obviously, they are strongest when the winter is really hard.

»who cares about the 3 eyed raven«

The White Walkers cared enough to pay him a visit and kill him.
We don’t know _why_ that was important to them, but that it _was_ important to them has been proven sufficiently by the fact that they did it.

It’s just like Benjobuff said above: Binge watching often makes you miss the details.
And it seems to me that you really did miss some details.
No offence meant, just an observation.


Right, I suffer from two shortcomings (1) binge watching, and (2) not being at all familiar with medieval fantasy type shows (like lord of rings, star wars, Dragon Warrior, Rob Roy, Suicide Kings, etc.), so half the stuff that goes on I couldn't care less about. And attention to detail is key to knowing the details, and knowing the details is the first step in reaching logical conclusions. And as they used to say after each episode of Transformers when Optimus Prime would give those public service announcements, "knowing is half the battle."

But this show is unique I think. It doesn't go full out on the Magic/Gods fantasy stuff, but includes some stuff. Mostly just good battles, plenty of scheming, and good looking chicks. So it bring together both dungeons & dragons nerds and viewers that just want to see a good story with some action.

So another issue here-- I think i heard that the white walkers hadn't been around for like 1000 years, to the point where most believed they never actually existed and constitute a myth. So then, was this new crew of white walkers just living up north somewhere, maybe hibernating in a cave. Or were there only about maybe 5 or 10 of them up there, just sort of scraping out a living eating squirrels, trees, rabbits, etc. like bigfoot maybe. Until they decided it was time to start white walking a little more to the south to make a few more of themselves? You would think that they would want to settle down at some point and establish communities, agriculture, a form of government, laws, maybe even a constitution.


Well, I don’t know.
But I do know that after a thousand years in the cold north without the Internet, a TV set including BDs of all movies and shows ever made, books or at least some decent drinks…

… I’d be in the mood to obliterate all mankind, too.


They are the same group, but with more added over the years via Craster and probably other people north of the wall who give them their newborn sons. The Night King is the original White Walker, he was made for the purpose of defense against the First Men. But when the Long Night came, the Walkers started killing everyone, so the Children of the Forest and the First Men joined together as was shown in the cave drawings. They didn't wipe out the Walkers, but drove them back north where they spent centuries making large chains and having target practice with their ice spears. The show depicts the events leading up to another Long Night.


1. I love Tyrion.

2. He had an almost redemption arc. He's definitely an interesting character.

3. Tormund certainly wants to!

4. RIP Hodor 😭

5. Tommen, not Rommen. And yes, I wish Margery had lived as well. She did try to leave the Sept.

6. It has to burn out eventually. I don't know the specifics.

7. Agree to disagree. Cersei is a maniac.

8. Bronn. And I kinda doubt it. Jaime loves only Cersei, and possibly Brienne.

9. Glad to see him go.

10. Eh, it's foggy how any magic really works in GoT.

11. Agree to disagree.

12. Bran is really weird in S7. But he can see visions and warg into things, so that's cool.

13. A mystery to everyone.

14. Agreed.

15. I don't think they officially accepted them. They probably just stay at the house/inn and Sam brings her books.

16. Distances and time are wonky. Don't think too hard about it.


5. Yes, I wish Margaery had survived, too.

13. »A mystery to everyone.« – Not to me. ;-)
As I’ve pointed out weeks ago, I think that Stannis just couldn’t care less about Dragonstone. The way he has been portrayed, I think that it’s abolutely within character that a castle means sh*t to him.

14. Agreed, too.

15. Could be. On the other hand, the Maesters might be arrogant but I don’t think they’re assholes (well, except for that »receptionist« maybe) so I don’t think they’d send a mother with a small child out on the streets.

16. »Distances and time are wonky« – Yes, they are. However, I still don’t believe that the fact that the WW didn’t attack for years has anything to do with distances.


13. Oops, sorry. A mystery to 90% of fans. ;3

15. The Maesters are arrogant assholes, but I agree that they probably wouldn't send a mother and child to the streets. I'm thinking that they're allowed to stay in whatever accommodations there are at the Citadel as long as they don't cause trouble or enter any "classrooms."


»The Maesters are arrogant assholes«

I think you’re right.
Let me rephrase: The Maesters might be arrogant assholes but I don’t think they’re cruel.

Sam probably pointed out that they’ve got no place to go – and we know that Sam can get quite dramatic in an argument –, so they sighed and grumbled: »Okay, as long as they don't … [what you said]«

Oh, and btw… I just LOVED the scene when Gilly stumbled across an information that might have, when furtherly investigated, even revealed Jon Snow’s true ancestry, but Sam was too agitated to even hear what she said…


Agreed. 😆


Completely finished with my binge watch now. So, couple thoughts/questions:
(1) What was Maester Pycelle's deal? There was a scene at the end of an episode on season 2 or 3 where it appears that he faking being an old man, jumping around, doing aerobics, etc. Like he's some sort of ageless creature that is just lying in wait to pounce and grab power when the time is right. He's been a Maester for decades, so he's got to be old, so what's the deal?

(2) I guess the whole Great Wall thing was quite pointless, and by extension the whole night's watch. Thought they should be just left the "White Dragon" component out of it, it made things too easy. Those guys don't need a dragon to win, but they should have been forced to climb the wall. Dumb dragons...

(3) Why can't the albino princess have human children. She didn't even try. Also, I assume that she'll try to breed her two remaining dragons. If didn't already do so, that would have been a good move. Are there any additional dragon eggs laying around?

(4) If Jon Snow and the Albino Princess mate, their offspring could end up as inbred/disabled dragons, unable to control their tremendous fire breath.

(5) Sam remain incredibly fat, for no apparent reason. It seems that most people on the show are fairly hungry, so how is it that he seems to eat as much as he wants, whenever he wants?

(6) Its been 2 years now, and Cearci still has that bowl cut hairdo. Shouldn't she at least have about 8 inches or so or hair? Or is she going for the "give up" short hairdo that many women go for after the age of about 45?
Haven't seen the red lady recently. Now that we all know that she's just an old hag, guess she has no more use on the show.

(7)North of the wall, I guess the rule is if you die, you become a white walker. I'm sure that you really need to do anything other than die. So if that's the case, shouldn't every dead animal also be a white walker? I don't recall any white walker fluffy bunnies, squirrels, etc.


2) Agree about the undead dragon. But the Night's Watch did have some usefulness at their peak.

3) Back in Season 1, the witch Mirri basically told Dany that her womb was cursed. I don't remember the exact words.
It's still up in the air whether dragons even have genders, so I'm not sure if Drogon and Rhaegal could mate if they wanted to.

4) Huh? Because it's incest or because of Dany's miscarriage back in Season 1?

7) I'm assuming you mean wight, not White Walker. And yes, that is the assumption. The White Walkers can apparently raise anything they want, including people, horses, bears, and dragons. They wouldn't really have any use for rabbits or squirrels.


(4) Because its incest with a dragon/human queen that has been informed by a witch (medieval equivalent of OBGYN) that it would be a high risk pregnancy.
(7) I don't see the wight walkers doing any special rituals or anything to make the dead rise. During that one battle it appeared that they were just sprouting up after a couple minutes. Like if anything dies up there, it just automatically rises up and become a wight walker.


Oh man I wish I could do the same after forgeting the whole series in order to enjoy it again!
You´ll see, at the end of season 1, things go faster!
