MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > So many ravens flying here and there, BU...

So many ravens flying here and there, BUT...

We see Dany sending ravens to Winterfell, and see Jon reading it.
We see Jon reading the raven from Sam, about the dragonglass.
But why hasn't there been a raven from castle Black to Winterfell, saying , 'HEY guess what Bran is alive and well'.
We haven't seen anything of Bran in ep 2, but why wouldn't they immediately tell him that Jon and Sansa are alive and have retaken Winterfell?
Arya just heard that Jon is alive at Winterfell and she's headed there.
But she will arrive after Jon has left for Dragonstone. She will still be reunited with Sansa though.
Now let's get Bran into this mix. As the eldest legitimate Stark male, he's actually be ahead of both Jon, Sansa, and Arya in the line of succession. But he doesn't want to be king.


I find really it hard to believe that Arya knew nothing about what happened in the North while Hot Pie did.

Since there won't be a reunion with Jon, I hope at the very least that Arya will kill Littlefinger once she gets to Winferfell and see how he's controlling Sansa.


She has been on the move for days and on her own. The soldiers in the camp didn't bring it up because they didn't know who she was.


That's a good point. Edd should have sent a raven with the news as soon as Bran was safely on the right side of the Wall. And since Jon got the letter from Dragonstone, he should have gotten one from Castle Black even sooner.


Yes exactly, any raven from Castle Black would get there long before a raven all the way from Oldtown! That is the furthest other end of Westeros.


Is Arya still headed to her home in the North? Or did the encounter with Nymeria convince her to follow her own path, back to King's Landing?


No, I think she was just pleased that something familiar was thriving.


Guess what things will be addressed in upcoming episodes?


No more spoilers without a spoiler tag. That is so uncool.


I have only seen up to season 7 episode 2 & my balls are hairy not crystal. Anyone who is behind in the show should stay away from forums.


You posted spoilers in another thread without a spoiler tag. Spoilers are for episodes that have not aired yet. you know very well I am not talking about episodes that have already aired .
I am not "behind" in the show. Only 2 episodes have aired.


I have only seen up to where you have seen & don't work for the show so don't know what will happen. The post I linked and referenced was from an article from 2016 before the new season had been filmed & the original source was a reddit user.

People on the internet have been discussing what might/will happen on GOT since it started.


"Now let's get Bran into this mix. As the eldest legitimate Stark male, he's actually be ahead of both Jon, Sansa, and Arya in the line of succession. But he doesn't want to be king. "

I'm starting to think that it's precisely because Bran doesn't want to be King, that after the final battle and among those left standing, he will be the one who MUST be king, whether he likes it or not. Ya know, all that "having greatness thrust upon them" stuff...

I think it will become clearer this season that if Bran becomes more prominent in the story, he will be a plausible contender for the throne at the finish.


The Maesters send the ravens, and not sure if Castle Black has a Maester anymore. I think Bran just shows up at Winterfell some time in the next 1 or 2 episodes. It's possible that Littlefinger may stir the pot, but also pretty sure he tells Sansa what Littlefinger did to their father and that's why she is crying in the preseason trailer.


Dany doesn't have any maesters and the whole dragonstone castle was abandoned, so I actually wondered who was feeding the ravens all this time?
But as soon as she got there, she's sending ravens to Jon.
The ravens will only return to one place. Each raven is like imprinted with one location and only one.
So for example, Kings landing has a flock of ravens and some are imprinted with Winterfell, some are imprinted with Dorne, etc. You have to use the correct raven for each destination. Then once it gets there, it won't return to the place that sent it because it's not imprinted to that place. You have to send a different raven that is imprinted to the destination where you want it to go.
They never seem to run out of ravens that are imprinted with the place they want to send a message.
