MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Love the series, but to me it now feels ...

Love the series, but to me it now feels like, screw it, wrap it up as fast as possible.

GOT doesn't seem to have that distant land meandering through history feel. It is now gotten to where it has spread out so broadly that now in order to bring it to conclusion in one season it has contract drastically. Everyone gets their bows and curtseys and the loose ends are being yanked.

It has been a wonderful ride, probably the best or one of the best fantasy series I've seen or could imagine, so I hope that internally they are not all sick of it and just want it to be over after so many years - and can all at least do a good job, depending on the writers.


Relax. This isn't the last season.


Well, the show runners don't have any more books to rely on. What they probably have is a blueprint (from Martin) that leads them to a conclusion. Once Denaerys sets foot on Westeros, and Winter has come, I can't imagine there being too much more exposition. Personally, I feel it's about time that Denaerys finally got off of Essos, and got this party started - After six seasons I was starting to wonder if she was ever going to get to Westeros.


War yanks away loose ends all the time. The entire series has been gearing up for this for years now. Daenerys has arrived in Westeros, and things are going to get even more crazy in the next few episodes.


The first two episodes of this series have mostly just been moving people into position & it looks like that will continue happening for a few more episodes so i wouldn't say they are wrapping it up fast & the build up to this point has been very nicely balanced.

This series and the next series are all shorter for financial reasons due to how expensive top quality cgi is and battles but apparently some episodes will have longer run times... I get the impression they are budgeting in a way to make things as best as possible.

"I hope that internally they are not all sick of it and just want it to be over"

That is definitely not the case & even after GOT is over new GOT stuff is already planned but with different stories... the future new shows will be the ones to worry about if the writing & production value can't match what we have at the moment.


I feel like story is gonna be amazing this year, lots of things we've been waiting on for years.. BUT-- the quality of the show seams to be going down horribly! Everything seams rushed and more cheap. Writing and dialogs are weaker, atmosphere is not there, all the little details in the show and background that gave that special vibe are stripped, somehow it just feels like it's not the same quality anymore.


I agree, they are paying so much attention to what needs to happen to bring things together that they are losing what made the series unique and so good. Or, in danger of losing it.


yeah, I don't know if that's because of the staff change or something, or production got lazy, or time and budget issues, or maybe just because lots of characters died over the years, and lots of quality actors went away and you can feel that loss.. anyways I hope it picks up and gets better as the season goes on. personally, I think they should've left it at 10 episodes to keep the normal pace instead of cutting corners.
