MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2017) Discussion > Just horrible, numerous plot holes and s...

Just horrible, numerous plot holes and stupidity

1. The Amazons and Diana know every language but nothing of the outside world and modern weaponry?
2. How did they defeat that warship? None of their arrows could have taken care of it.
3. Why did Diana act like a toddler the entire film?
4. Even though this was World War I, they made the Germans in this movie seem like the Nazis. I'm going to guess the majority of the audience is going to think this was World War 2. I didn't like how the movie's direction and Diana basically arbitrarily picked the British and the Allies as the good guys.
5. Ares has had millennia to do his thing, why did he have to be stopped now? Killing him clearly didn't even end war anyways.
6. By the end of the movie, it just didn't make sense. What was the moral of this movie? Diana didn't stop war. She didn't even stop World War 2. What was the message? It was just silly and lacked focus.
7. A woman directed this movie and it was totally obvious. This is why you don't watch war movies made by women. It was just unrealistic. There was just a lot of dumb shit, especially with Diana walking around moping about how horrible war was despite growing up training for war! What did she expect?
8. What Chris Pine's character did at the end made no sense.
9. The movie was blatant SJW propaganda. The Native American character was only written in to bash white American people. What a disgrace. Men in general also just were bashed at every turn.

I don't know what more to say. Flame on, but this was a terrible movie. Avoid if you have any suspicions about it being a SJW mess and not being good. It pretty much is just very, very bad.


overall this was a very good movie but people act like it's flawless, i can't agree to that. I think number one is a legitimate complaint. however what i did enjoy was that this was something different in terms of the character. she didn't have to have something tragic happen to her to become a hero, she just did it because it was a part of her character. i thought it was good to see something different than the usual motive we get in a super hero film.


*** WARNING!!! SPOILERS!!! ***
It's just your lousy opinion, man. I enjoyed it. Took a date. We both had fun. It was an entertaining summer blockbuster movie. She probably liked the romantic parts. I liked looking at WW. [spoiler]The end was sad because Chris Pine died at the end.[/spoiler] The story had layers. I couldn't believe this was the director's second movie. First action one. The two hours flew by. One of the few good movies under the DC brand. Obviously, I didn't have time to analyze it all when I'm busy.


So what you're saying is, you really loved it? That's cool!😄SJW stuff? Gee, standing up for others and representing strong women is such a sissie thing.. You're obviously the type who would've loved it if someone like Clint Eastwood made his own version and delivered the agenda your types prefer (WJCs as I call these whiny hypocrites).


No, it was just terrible.


Agree with most of the things u wrote, but you have to look it in this way: it is the first big screen film of a popular, loveable, and female super hero who really deserved decent film years ago and people will naturally like it because they mostly don't now any other version of the character, nor the side characters in the story ( well maybe except Lynda Carters version). But the saddest thing is that great amount of people like the film only because the main character is a woman, and because it follows this extraordinary woman who saves the world and even if the film was an absolute disaster ( which I'm not saying it was) they would have said it was great just because of that. This movie was not perfect, and comparing it to The Dark Knight is ludicrous, but I generally like the movie and you have to admit that Gal gave and amazing performance and Patty did a great job too comparing to Zack and Ayer who made a complete mess with their movies.


"But the saddest thing is that great amount of people like the film only because the main character is a woman, and because it follows this extraordinary woman who saves the world and even if the film was an absolute disaster ( which I'm not saying it was) they would have said it was great just because of that."



Exactly, those three are horrible, hardly watchable and utterly ridiculous. Point is that some groups of people like a certain film for all the wrong reasons.


Those films were completely panned by critics and audiences alike. I didn't see any "great amount of people" defending them just because they were led by women.


Maybe not in the films you listed because Wonder Woman is much more popular and bigger superhero and was made in different period of superhero films than those three and is a way better movie, but all I here from a lot of reviews and comments on Wonder Woman is "It's not just a great movie for women..."
Was it made for women but it's so good that even men enjoyed it?
It's about people putting their political agenda where it doesn't belong and always make assumptions based on their views and talking all kinds of stupid shit rather than being realistic.


or people just like it because it's a genuinely well made movie.

Stop bringing politics into everything where it doesn't apply.


You seem to have missed my point entirely. I never said that this movie is not good and I think that this movie should be praised on so many different things, but as I said it earlier, some people only emphasize the fact that the superhero is a woman, rather than talk about how good this film is. I just think there is nothing strange in woman being a superhero, that's all.


No, I got your point, I just think you're reaching.


This was about as bad as Batman vs. Superman and Man of Steel, but people overrate it because of the shady reviews. It's sad.


Everything you say is false.


I thought it was batter than those two mostly because of Patty Jenkins who is a way better director than Zack Snyder and who has put in much more effort to make this film work than he did. I mean BvS had so much potential to be great but it was very disappointing in the end.
Of course huge credits go to Gal, but I don't even want to think what this movie would be like if Zack directed it.


Someone pointed out she probably really wasn't in charge because she hasn't made a movie in years, especially a big blockbuster movie, and probably was just a name hired for the film because it's about a female superhero.

I think it was just as horrible as Zack Snyder's stuff. It probably was his movie, to be honest.


Well he did write a script for the movie...


"Someone pointed out..."

Wow, really reliable source there.


There was some SJW stuff in there I reacted to, but it was nothing compared to Rogue One, for example. Btw, I thought some of this was adapted from years old comics, or am I wrong?


1. Why do Kryptonians and Saiyans speak english? Artistic license. Just roll with it.
2. Because those are composed of flesh and blood humans that don't need high tech weaponry to get killed. If a skilled 140 pound woman fought an unskilled 160 pound man, there's a good chance she'd win no? Even though the heavier individual is technically "better."
3. She's a fish out of water, who spent her whole life isolated from society. Naturally, her view of the world would be naive and under-cooked.
4. She didn't picky ANYONE as the good guys. The first Brit she met was a crusty old sexist, whose moral fibre she considered de0plorable. The whole point of this story is Diana having her child-like diametric view challenged and finding out everyone has the capacity to be a terrible person.
5. Because he's still a bad guy and he's still doing terrible things.
6. The point is that good/bad dichotomy is naive, people are as deplorable as they are beautiful, but love is still worth fighting for.
7. You can put the truth into words, but one does not truly know it until it's experienced first hand. She was trained for war, she was educated on the facts, but nothing could prepare your for the experience of witnessing the sheer breadth of its horror up close. What you're proposing as a flaw is actually the exact opposite of unrealistic.
8. Splain.
9. The movie wasn't bashing men at every turn it was bashing HUMANS at every turn. Key difference. Diana found Dr. Poison every bit as evil and spineless as the rest of them.



You uh, gonna try to refute my arguments instead of throwing vapid knee-jerk misconceptions? When did I ever say anything about critics?



thebricks is a fragile child who falls apart emotionally when faced with a simple dissenting opinion.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.


Dont post stock internet replies ffs.


Not my fault thebricks is a stock internet troll.


If you have something to say, use your own words.


I did.


No you didn't. You used the same tired bullshut that's been said for year by smart arses who want a pat on the back. It's near word of word stock internet jargon complete with "it would be funny if it wasn't sad".


I disagree, but if that's the case, are you going to come down on thebricks for his tired, stock replies as well? Or is this a narrow target?


And now youre trying to deflect. Pathetic.


Not at all, I'm just trying to make sure I'm not being held to a double standard.



Was a good superhero movie.
Most of your points make no sense and are not plot holes, your just whining, I dont understand why you post so much about wonderwoman if you hated the movie. The indian character in the movie was to point out to Diana that her 'lover' also made war and stole land. You seem very offended by everything.. anyways

Would not give it higher then a 7 though, story was not that interesting, villains were boring. I was hoping the chick with a masque would show up at the ending but she was just sitting on the ground crying.

Basicly I found the last 30-40 minutes orso a big mess (after they get to the kaisers castle).

They hide in the bushes outside the kaisers castle. Hmm okay, I guess nobody is noticing them.
Chris Pine and his friend enters the castle without an invitation. Hmm sure, not like they are at war and people would be trying to assassinate some important general at the party. Lets just let everyone in, paaarty.
Oh wonderwoman also shows up at the party in a blue dress. How did she get past the guards? Did she have an invitation? She is wearing her sword on her back..really?? Am I to believe no guard finds it a little suspicious that she is has a big-ass sword with her?? Is it suppose to be 'hidden'? No guard (or even a waiter) looked at her back?

Next, they move to a protected military base and enter it with 5 people. Okay, sure. Were the germans in WW1 really that bad at guarding places? Wouldn't there be like, trained people sitting in watchtowers, shooting at you from all directions with rifles?

But was a very entertaining movie up to where Diana saves the village. Good pace, great action, it kept me entertained, what more do you want from a super hero movie. Shame about the last 30-45 minutes. Still some nice cgi at the ending.

grtz my english sucks



I'm so glad we're able to have such spirited discussions on these boards.


First, apologize for my english ... Or lack of it). We can discuss any of your points, but lets take the moral thing (6). This movie is totally metaphoric full of symbols that people dosen't uncover yet and the symbols are too many and to long to explain, so I just say that those symbols represents the path to enlightment. The moral issue here is something that we all do, so we don't see that like a moral issue, but it is. Your comment and many coments, even my comment, is a perfect example of that, because we express wrath and arrogance just because we don't know something or just don't understand or because we feel hurt when someone say something against what is important for us. Diana cant reach enlightment because she was full of arrogance, so she can be dominated for a blind destructive wrath that can corrupt her intentions and then loose her way and fall into darkness. She fail when she kill Ludendorff and every men in her way for the wrong reason possesed by wrath and arrogance. At the end, all the final battle was a trap to force her to fall in that wrath again, abuse of her power and corrupt herself. She rise a sword against Ludendorff and rise a tank against Maru. The movie is so full of symbols and meaning hidden of a first view.. Diana saw her own arrogance when she recall her own words: "whatever it is, I can do it, let me do it". The arrogance of the powerfull that believe he can do everything and know everything so he can judge others and trash a movie based on his own lack of understanding like so many comments I have seen. Don't you see how important is that message now??? We are all full of arrogance. She learns that in the hard way. She stops judging humanity and even Ares. She vanish him because it was the right thing to do, but she was not angry anymore, but she dosent vanish Darkness. ... And for the others many symbols, the native american is a metaphor, the german ship is a metaphor... This movie is not for the mind, is for the heart, so the plot is made with symbols and feelings.
