MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2023) Discussion > Why does Zod want to terraform Earth?

Why does Zod want to terraform Earth?

Kryptonians can already live there and have super powers. What's the point? Just so he can be a really bad super villain?


for lols


They get their superpowers from the Sun so that wouldn’t change.


No, Supes was powerless on Zod ship


So besides plot requirements why did Zod want to terraform the Earth?


I guess he wanted to basically change Earth into a new Krypton, and use the birthing matrix to repopulate the planet and restore his nearly extinct alien species.


His extinct people can live in Earth's environment and are more powerful than they were on Krypton.

The question is: So besides plot requirements why did Zod want to terraform the Earth?


I had no idea, and it seems like an interesting question. A Google search brought up this explanation, which makes sense to me, at least in as much as any comic book explanation can:

Because Zod and his militia's mission was to preserve Krypton as it was, not how it COULD be.They have no free will and can only do what their genetic programming tells them to do. Zod's programming gives him ONE goal: Protect and Preserve Krypton. Exactly. As. It. Is. Traditions upheld, no dealing with superpowers of the torment of adjusting to the enhanced senses (Remember, every Kryptonian born on Earth would be in absolute hell for several years of their life), no natural births, no sharing with other species, Make Krypton Great Again.

Zod (And the entire Sword of Rao group) is a programmed fascist who only sees Kryptonian nature and Kryptonian tradition as the way, something to FORCE upon the entire universe.


As another poster pointed, out Mars (or any other planet in the galaxy) could be terra formed. Looks like we're back to the movie needed a real bad guy because the plot required it.


It seemed to have been made clear that Mars wasn't an option because its lack of a biosphere prevented terraforming. Zod says something along the lines of he needs to start with a foundation to transform, which is why Earth is a candidate.

I think you're trying to hard to justify your criticism despite ample evidence to the contrary. When it comes down to it, it's a movie about superheroes and aliens and advanced tech. The film makes enough of a case for why what happens happens, and you can either try to poke holes in it or accept it for what it is.


Yeah, good point. Well the reply above this one and the next post underneath of it gave pretty valid explanations that make sense.


The yellow sun gives them superpowers so the powers would remain. It's earth's environment that is harsh on them, changing it to a Kryptonian environment would benefit them and populating the planet. In Man of Steel, Martha says Clark struggled adapting as a child and could barely breath.

So they could have all lived in earth's atmosphere, but Zod didn't care about humans as they are weak and he clearly felt superior to them. He didn't want his species to suffer growing up basically. And also because of what Filmbuff says above, Zod was bred to preserve Krypton and it's his sole purpose in life. I believe he also says this in MOS.

Why didn't he just terraform Mars? No opposition so seems quite a bit easier, but alas.


"It's earth's environment that is harsh on them" Where in the movie is that stated?

It seems like your explanation is back to the movie needed a real bad guy because the plot required it.


It's not explained in this movie, it's explained in MOS, and this movie assumes people have seen that movie as part of the DCEU.

I gave you an example, Martha said Clark struggled to breath as an infant in MOS. Also the Kryptonians wear the masks to create a Kryptonian environment. They are clearly shown to struggle in earth's atmosphere in MOS, this movie does not bother to explain that, though they are shown with the masks, because it assumes you have seen MOS. Zod, who is stronger than others we presume, is able to adapt to Earth's atmosphere with discomfort. We are not sure if others would be able to do so as easily. In MOS, Jor-El tells Zod that Kryptonians and Earthlings can coexist, but Zod says the Kryptonians would suffer through years of pain to adapt, like Clark did, and he does not want that because Kryptonians are superior. Additionally as others have pointed out, Zod's purpose in life was to restore/maintain/protect Krypton, but this is not explained in The Flash because it assumes you have seen MOS.

He is a hollow villain in The Flash. However, why not terraform a different planet in the solar system? Still would have the yellow sun, superpowers and all that jazz, but we need a villain. Maybe it is Zod's pride that it must be earth in MOS.


Thank you
