MovieChat Forums > The Punisher (2004) Discussion > The Punisher 2004 Is Both a Good and Bad...

The Punisher 2004 Is Both a Good and Bad Comic Book Adaptation

The 2004 version of The Punisher wasn't a great adaptation by any means, but some elements drew from one of Frank Castle's best stories.


Great addition to the movie!


I liked it. It was an old school action movie on the backdrop of those "hip hop" action movies back then. For the same reason I like Walter Hill's "Bullet to the head".

I must watch the extended version.


I think he was a better adaptation than Bernthal was.


It depends what you were looking for. This punisher came off as more of a comic book character while Bernthal was much more relatable as a real person.

I prefer Bernthal but I can definitely see how others might not.


I liked Bernthal in season 2 of Daredevil but his origin in the Punisher series sucked.


Fair enough. I liked the first season of the Punisher show more than Daredevil but the second season of the Punisher fell off so hard that the series as a whole is tainted from it.


I watched a bit of the 2nd season of it but got tired of it due to finding the girl annoying and not liking the Christian Extremist villain.
