Palestinian Chicken s8e3

Best TV show ever. Deserves a Nobel.

Fuck me like Israel fucked my country!


If that happened today Larry would probably be beheaded.


Nah, it would just make the sex even hotter.
She was on fire!


It made no sense that a Muslim would say that a Jewish dick isn't circumcised. Only a Jew would write such a line. But then she may have been a Palestinian Christian.


> She may have been a Palestinian Christian.

Not bloody likely in that protest mob.


She said "Show me the promised land. You circumcised fuck! "

So I have no idea what you are talking about.


Because Muslims are circumcised too. A Muslim woman would not think circumcision is special or associate it with Jews. All Muslim men are circumcised.

Sorry, it's a just a lame Jewish stereotype of what a Muslim woman would do. Jews don't own circumcision.


Yeah but she didn't say he was not circumcised. She said the opposite. She clearly was underlying his Jewness.

Anyway, maybe you are right about the joke part. Larry doesn't own being bald either.
He NEVER calls it for what it is: manly and supercool.
It is part of his humour style to be self hating.


My point is that Muslims know that Jews are circumcised too but they don't think it's anything special. To them circumcision is just what you do - it's not Muslim, it's not Jewish, it's just what you do. Christians associate it with Judaism, not Muslims.

Then again I might be spinning my wheels because most the Palestinians who immigrated to the U.S. are Christians.

Actually, Larry is trying to make himself sound great at sex. It's kinda disgusting.


Well, to be precise she is a muslim woman.
As such, her knowledge of dicks could be:
A she has never seen one before
B she has seen only normal dicks before
C she has seen every kind before
D she has seen only circumcised ones before

As you see, only one option leads to your assumption.
C is the most probable, hence she exclaims how he is circumcised, plus how that makes him Jewish.


That still doesn't follow. Why wouldn't she assume he's Muslim?

Even if she's a whore, she would associate circumcision with Islam, not Judaism.


Not since she KNOWS he is a Jew.


Bottom line she wouldn't say that. Nobody gives a fuck if Jews circumcise their kids. It's not uniquely Jewish. Larry David is a racist POS.


No man, you are missing the point of that line completely.
She is not surprised nor anything.
She knows he is a Jew and she wants to underline that. Since they are fucking and not playing monopoly, she comments on his dick.


Dude, you don't get the point. A Muslim would not associate circumcision with Jews when all Muslim men are circumcised. How is that emphasizing Jewishness when most circumcised men are not Jewish? Larry David is full of himself.


I got your point man, and I already replied to it.
She is NOT associating circumcision "just" with him or with Jews.
She is fucking him and he is a Jew. She is pointing out something about his dick.

Also, you keep saying that all Muslim men are circumcised.
So fucking what???
Did you notice that she is a WOMAN?
She does NOT own a dick and she is NOT circumcised.
Like I wrote above, maybe she has never seen a dick before. Or maybe she has only fucked normal dicks.

Anyway, the facts are:
she is a woman
she is fucking him
his dick is circumcised
she is calling him "circumcised fuck".

There is no anti Muslim slander there.


Oh bullshit. In our society we associate circumcision with Jews. In a Muslim society all men are circumcised, so she would expect most men she fucked to be circumcised.

Larry David has a nose and two ears too. Did she say anything about his nose and two ears?

A Muslim expects a dick to be circumcised. She wouldn't even notice.

This is a Jewish man writing lines for a Muslim character and no Muslim woman would say that.

I'm not even saying it's necessarily slander. It's just bad scriptwriting.

So when you meet a woman you say "oh my, you have a nose!"

GTFO with that nonsense.


Because realism is priority one for Curb Your Enthusiasm.
What a shipdit.


You keep assuming, like a racist, that since this woman is a Muslim she must know only dicks of Muslim men. In America, of all places, in 2020.
Larry would ask you:
What are you, nuts?

SHE is a Muslim.
Those are the only two facts you have.

She probably, and clearly from what we see in the episode, is more open minded than you and knows dicks outside of her "society" (whatever the fuck that means in 2020 L.A.). And possibly, she never has fucked a Muslim. That's how she likes it.
And Larry was her first circumcised dick EVER (not that that's even necessary, since she says nothing special about it, just uses it to underline one aspect of his Jewiness - she does not say "oh my God, what is that??? Your dick is circumcised! Wow, amazing rarity!!!").

Anyway, if I'm fucking a girl with big tits, you bet your ass I would say "oh my, you have big tits!" (possibly in a less gay way). That's what she is saying there.


It is a line included for comic effect, not cultural realism, Barbarian.


It's an Islamophobic joke.


Not in the least.


It's funny because how messed up their wars are, not because there's peace in the region you idiot. Climb out of Larry David's butthole!!

Comedy works in this country because how messed up the government is, not because how great America is.


WTF are you replying to?


You, his comedy does not deserve the Nobel prize. It is funny and spot on humor but did he bring peace to the region? EHHHH No. I think not.


That's a high bar for such a low brow.


Why the fuck would it need to bring peace?


I dunno man, didn't we give Israel land out to them after world war II? There's been war there on and off ever since because of that.

I re-watched the episode, it's real funny, spot on humor.

I just don't like kissing ass because it makes up for what a foolish schizophrenic I am. And a Nobel Prize? come on man!
I was in the George Constanza contest to end superpacs out of Havard University.


I love this episode.. Truly awesome times.. Best to go out on Top.. I always enjoyed Richard Lewis and Larry David and their banter


one of the best episodes.


I wish they brought her back in S12.
