MovieChat Forums > Magnolia (2000) Discussion > Kevin smith hated this movie.

Kevin smith hated this movie.


I mean, I disagree with the dude, but he seems cool about it. He just hates that one movie, digs other stuff by Anderson, and even takes a shot at himself by knocking Mallrats. He's got a real "to each his own" attitude, has no problem with opinions being expressed, but just finds it stupid when people go after each other for their tastes. Question the movie, question the taste, sure, but don't rip on the person.


Kevin Smith was this you? LOL


Kevin Smith is a ball licker.


I've seen three Kevin Smith joints. "Chasing Amy" and "Dogma" are both watchable, 6/10 movies. "Clerks" is like a bad student film stretched out to feature length: 3/10. Its cult popularity mystifies me.


I love Kevin Smith movies and he seems like a cool dude, but gosh what a lousy look. Reminds me of Quentin Tarantino giving criticism on Hitchcock and Kubrick movies, and talking about them them personally as if he's their peer. Smith and Tarantino make cinematic junk food, they're just lucky people like me love the taste of junk food. Smith criticizing Magnolia is like a grill jockey at McDonalds criticizing the master chef at the Waldorf Astoria. Know your place, heart attack.
